Whole Woman posture.


I'm wondering how my abdomen should feel in the Whole Woman posture. I've been doing the exercises in the book as well as the First Aid DVD for three weeks now. Today I noticed for the first time there was no bulge when I walked up and down the mountain with my dogs. Then I did some errands in the village and no bulge then either. That pretty much took up the whole morning with no bulge. !!! I'm soooooo hopeful that I can live with this prolapse. I seem to be transforming my abdomen into a hard little basket. When my organs are inside the basket my lumbar spine seems to curve on it's own. My lower abdomen feels quite hard and looks smooth and round compared to the little spare tires and jiggly fat-skin that used to be there. I'm not overweight. Can anyone tell me if what I'm experiencing is similar to what they are feeling. Or if I'm doing something wrong.



Dear steadele,
When I stand in WWPosture, with the lower belly relaxed and my chest lifted, my whole muscle wall down my front is naturally like a long strong wall of muscle without any effort from me other than standing in the posture.
It also has the flexibility to allow belly breathing.
This discovery for me was the realization that we do have a type of core strength with long and strong support for our body and internal organs which have the room to position themselves and work properly, as nature intended....
I do have some cuddly bits, though when standing they are smooth and curved.
Christine's work is such a gift!
My very Best Wishes Adele,
Aussie Soul Sister

I second that....I have belly fat, but it looks much smoother and tighter and feels much stronger in WW posture than it does when it's all squinched up with a pulled-in tummy. Just be sure your belly muscles are relaxed, and that the strong line is achieved by pulling up. When I first read your post I almost thought you meant you were tightening your abdomen. - Surviving

Well you ladies are both describing something like what I'm experiencing and it is reassuring. No I'm not tightening my abdomen at all, Surviving, in fact I'm trying not to. Tightening seems to bring my stomach in which I do not want. Now I'm working at not putting my body into obtuse angles. This Whole Woman programme is making me pay attention to every aspect of my physical life!.


It's remarkable isn't it. Keep doing the work. It is likely that other health benefits will also follow. Scrunching up our bellies is the cause of a lot of trouble in addition to prolapse and SUI. The new posture feels joyful.