When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
If you are already a registered user you may now log in and post. If you have lost your password, just click the request new password tab and follow the directions.
Please review and agree to the disclaimer and the forum rules. Our moderators will remove any posts that are promotional or otherwise fail to meet our guidelines and will block repeat offenders.
Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
September 4, 2014 - 4:03am
Thanks Fillygene for a
Thanks Fillygene for a wonderful and inspiring post. I'm so happy that things are going well and that you took the time to share the experience.
We always tell women that they'll be able to do just about anything they want, when they've learned how to do it the right way. It takes awhile to grasp that, because it only comes with an understanding and practice of WW posture. No prolapse newbie is going to feel much like running and jumping, and it isn't easy for them to imagine ever doing it again.
When Christine first started talking about her jumping exercises and how much they improved her symptoms, I was skeptical and not quick to give it a try, even though I was at least 3 years into this work at the time! I understood the principles of why it should help, but still thought it wasn't for me. But once I tried it, and discovered it did help, it was another milestone in my understanding and faith in the WW work and my confidence in telling others that this is the way to live life from now on. The body is an amazing thing.
So keep working and keep trying things and paying attention to how your body responds. Once you learn to keep those organs forward, gravity and movement are your friends! It's true, folks! - Surviving
Joy Realized
September 23, 2014 - 6:36am
treadmill question...
Do you have a type of treadmill that you recommend? I'd like to get one as it's getting too cold to walk, but I'm not sure what type. Is a softer surface better for prolapse or does it really not matter?
Thanks for the help
September 23, 2014 - 12:57pm
A treadmill is great when you can't walk outside, though many people feel the experience is different from walking. I wouldn't necessarily disagree, but I find it equally helpful to my prolapse and certainly better than not walking at all. I think the most important thing is being able to stand up in excellent Whole Woman posture. Some treadmills will almost force you to lean in a little. I have a power treadmill with arms that stick out far enough that I can maintain good posture while still keeping one hand or the other rested on the arm at all times. This is for safety; if I don't, I have a tendency to drift forward or back. Mine has rubber on the belt and I like to walk barefoot simply because I CAN (I can't walk barefoot outside where I live). Most treadmills will say not to do this, again for safety, so if you are inclined to, take care. - Surviving