8 weeks pregant, prolapsed uterus in rectum and cervix low in vagina


I am 8 weeks pregnant with my second child (my son is 2) I went to the doctor and found out my uterus is retroflexed and pressing on my rectum and my cervix is lower than it should be in my vagina. A bit of back story, I had my son 2 years ago at home with a midwife and pushed for 1 hour and had an episiotomy. The only issues I had at that time was with hemorrhoids that came out when I gave birth but went back in afterward, and have had a feeling of not completely emptying my bowels for a long time now. I have been breastfeeding my son for 2 years and think maybe this has contributed to the weakening of my pelvic floor. I had a very natural pregnancy and birth with my son, I am so fearful that this time it will be so different with this problem, is there any hope for me I am completely disheartened.:(

If anyone has experience with retroflexed uterus in pregnancy I would love to hear how it went for you.

Hi pregnant - We've had plenty of prolapsed moms who have experienced how everything tends to move out of the way for birth. I think there are high points and low points during the pregnancy, but it will be fine. What you are experiencing is not uncommon and what you will really want to do is avail yourself of the resources of Whole Woman to learn about posture and get yourself off to the right start post-partum. Read around the website, blog and forum, get an idea for yourself what we are all talking about and writing about all day long here......and come back with your questions. - Surviving

Hi, I went to the OB on Friday and he said that I do not have a prolapse but a retroverted uterus that is resting on my rectum making it difficult to have a bowel movement, but that it should move up as the baby gets bigger. I am still going to try the posture and some exercises to help encourage it to move back to a good position. Do you know if the posture can help correct the position of the uterus?

Definitely. Anything that helps get the organs forward and out of the vaginal space is the ultimate goal here. You can feel the difference if you get down on hands and knees. - Surviving

Hi! I have also always had a retroverted uterus, and when I was early pregnant my third time just recently, my cervix was really low as well. To the point around 7 to 9 weeks I constantly had to pee and felt like the baby was pushing really low already. But luckily just a couple weeks later everything moved up and stayed high and everything was fine from then on out. Things have definitely gotten low since his birth -8 weeks- but I also just found this website and I'm excited to get started. With you knowing about it already during your pregnancy and if you can start immediately postpartum hopefully that will help you!

Thank you aged_early! Have you started this program yet? I have also heard of Maya abdominal massage helping reposition the uterus so I am looking into that but cant do it until 20 weeks or postpartum. I am having bad back pain and problems with having a bowel movement because my uterus is pressing om my rectum so much, I can't wait for it to move up! I;m happy yours did and everything was fine. Congratulations!

I just want to remind you ladies that I also had a retroverted uterus at a young age, and after having my babies, it went way up and I couldn't feel my cervix at all. But, it was still retroverted. Many more years and bad practices went by before it completely prolapsed, so doing the whole woman work now and the rest of your life is what is going to be the most beneficial for you, getting the uterus back into its proper position up over the pubic bone into the lower belly.
I want to let my experience be a warning that just because it is high and out of the way now doesn't mean it will necessarily stay that way.
Also, Christine has discussed Mayan massage on here. Put it in the search box. From what I have read, she said that it may feel good, but it is not going to help prolapse. Whole woman posture does that, with the correct anatomical positioning of the body, our organs are supported very well.