

Hi... I was doing so well with working on my posture and loving improving with the WW yoga dvd's and improving BM's... until a fortnight ago my back went out from simply bending so I have been reovering for 2 weeks now... had acupuncture and 3 wholistic chiro treatments to help with recovery trying to use as little antiinflammatory as I could (and incorporating turmeric inflammatory) . Now I am dealing with trying to recover my posture and my prolapse feels like it has had a setback as I have been hobbling around..
I also have a UTI and was fortunate to purchase a little bottle of pure raw unadulterated honey 2 days ago so am hopeful that will help...

I took my book Saving the WW with me to the Chiro visit to let him know what my preference is in my recovery.. He absorbed one of the pages easily although visits are quite quick ... I hope my previous lumbar work is going to recover...
I have been doing bits and pieces of the exercises the last 2 weeks as I can to help get back on track..
Nice to keep in touch ....and Thankyou.... Peacelilly

the bending was from doing housework.

Hi peacelilly - sorry to hear of your recent troubles. Please take it slowly, getting things back to normal....Whole Woman posture is the true and correct spinal shape for a woman, and once you can get settled back into it, I hope you'll feel much better. Try lying flat on a mat with some support underneath the lower back, and do some gentle arm movements with the baton, if it feels OK.

Sooner or later we all have setbacks, and it is these setbacks that show us just how fluid the organs are, and how important this work is on a daily basis. Improving after a setback is extremely empowering and really gives you the "big picture" of prolapse management. Sometimes, just a bad day where we have to do some prolapse-unfriendly things can feel like a big setback. The other day I was walking around quite a bit on slippery ice-covered walkways and I could feel my whole body sort of curling forward against the wind, in an effort to protect myself from falling. it was really hard on my prolapse, but at that particular time, avoiding a fall was more important than posture.

So go gently, and for goodness sakes be more careful next time, my friend! - Surviving

Thanks so much Surviving for your caring perspective... am much improved and getting back on track.. feeling quite good on more and more moments so will look forward to a strong recuperation.. stay well and happy.... peacelilly