Necessary chore


Hello, I live in Northern Michigan where it snows a lot. I move snow with a push shovel or a snow scoop almost daily. I try only to push the snow- not lift it. I'm wondering if this activity will make a prolapse problem worse. Thanks for your input, Artgal.


Hi artgal and welcome. As you may have noticed, this site is all about changing your posture to support the prolapsed organs. Some things are easier to do in correct WW posture than others. Snow removal is just one of those things you have to experiment with, and you may never achieve an entirely prolapse-friendly way to do it. So, we do the best we can. Please watch this video for some posture background:

Thank you for your reply.

and so relish our warmer months all the more. There is such beauty in newly fallen snow, but I find shoveling is one of the more challenging tasks to do with prolapse. I do exactly what you do artgal, I push it, but don't lift it, all the while focusing on really pulling up by the crown of my head and not tipping my upper body forward into the shovel- avoiding that unpleasant obtuse angle. I also bundle up and head out more frequently, if I can, if we are getting dumped on...that way I try and limit the amount of snow I have to deal with at any given time. I then head back inside, and warm up by the fire on hands and knees for a little while. It feels great!

Hi Artgal, I'm also a Northerner, Canadian North, I can't push anything, snow or furniture or a wheel barrow, for me that's my poison, even while maintaining proper posture its a no go for me, shoveling the same thing, a no go, earth or snow, it brings me trouble, my answer is I just don't do it.Whole Woman has given me my life back in so many ways but I still know what I can and can't do and snow is one of them.I can carry groceries, grand children, lift things that before would have given me certain grief and that is all due to WW posture but I understand the limitations of my body and my strengths better now more than any time in my life. I am stronger and more confident but I do know even posture doesn't help when it comes to shoveling or pushing snow for me. We ended leaving our home in the country and we now live in an apartment, my husband became very ill and when all the heavy work fell on my shoulders it became to much, I'm 58 and I wish I had found WW years ago but I can only change what I do today so I make sure I look out for my own health, my own happiness, WW taught me physical ways to help myself but it also taught me to love myself, and respect myself, and moving snow is not in the equation for me. I wish for the life of me I could tell you the magic answer to this problem but honestly it will be trying different methods all while in posture and then you still may have discomfort.Is there anyone who can help with this snow, sometimes we feel we can't ask for help ,, that it all falls on our shoulders and in most situations we as woman look after everyone else needs but ourselves, please take care of you.

Hi artgal,
I just wanted to tell you that I did live in the U.P. for quite a number of years, so I am plenty aware of what the snow can be like up there. Do you have a Yooper scooper? We still have ours from when we lived up there, but that would be a lot of heavy pushing with snow. I agree with what everyone else is saying about shoveling. It's too bad you can't push it and have someone else do the lifting for you. I actually haven't shoveled snow in years, but then I have my hubby doing it. I'm lucky that way.
Although, I still do a little digging around in the garden in the spring, but I am always mindful and careful, and try not to get to carried away with it. The same with raking. It seems these motions are perpetually pulling on prolapse, no matter how much you try to maintain posture.
Take many breaks, and I am thinking of you up there in the north country.

Hello Artgal, I saw this Rolling Snow Pusher thing in the Fresh Finds catalogue and I thought of you. I live in the Northwest where we get mostly rain and very little snow so don't have any idea if this thing would really work. It seems like you can stay upright and remove the snow. Anyhow, it sells for $70.00 but might be worth a look.
Good luck, Bb