Had my dreaded colonoscopy yesterday!!


A few weeks back I shared that I was having Endoscopy and colonoscopy, with great hesitations, the endoscopy was for stomach issues from and accident I was in leaving me with internal injury scar tissue , the colonoscope is done here in Canada after the age of 50 for precautionary screening. I was nervous about the colonoscope because of my rectocele,
I am here to say I am alive and well and here to tell my tale, lol,
It wasn't as bad as I had envisioned, ( is it ever ), all went smoothly, my colon is in perfect health just a wee bit wobbly at the end thanks to the rectocele, my stomach I'm not sure because the results won't be in for a couple of weeks, but everyone here was so kind when I told my story, I just felt I should come back and say it was all fine, no worries, no pain, I ate a low residue diet for a few diets prior and the clean out was quick and painless, I was a nervous wreck for nothing, I have no regrets, we have a history of colon cancer in our family so I suppose its good to have it done , I had my doubts but its over. I worried for nothing. I was really tired today though, physically exhausted from the worry, lol, the only thing that was bad was the freezing cold room they had me in, I was so cold I crept out of my bed to get my coat and mittens, put them on and got back under the covers, unfortunately I fell asleep from the injection they had given me ( sedation ) before I had time to take them off, ( I was waiting for the room to clear to sneak them back ),
the surgery crew had a good laugh when they pulled back the covers, they removed my coat but I still had my mittens on in recovery, how embarrassing was that!!!!!

Hi Wise Owl, thanks for the update, I was hoping we would hear back from you. i'm glad it's over and was a success and I love the mittens thing! - Surviving

I was thinking the same thing about the mittens! I could just see their faces, but then they have probably seen everything in those situations.
Glad everything went well for you, and that your mind is relieved.

I know how heavily this weighed on you- I'm so glad the experience wasn't what you'd dreaded it would be and that everything went well! :)
Love the mittens!! :)

yup, wool socks and mittens, that was me, lol, but all was fine, during the prep I found it was very helpful to get down on hands and knees, resting head on fore arms swaying back and forth, its a go to for me to relax and calm down, works wonderful, after the colonoscope I did some of Lousie's jiggling, lol, it makes me feel assured all is in its proper place, thank you all my friends,

So glad that it went well!
All the Best,
Aussie Soul Sister

I am so pleased to hear your update. Hope you can relax a bit now with that behind you.
So often the waiting is worse than the reality. Glad you have warm hands too! Good luck.

Thank you so much, the waiting was the worse for sure