not sure if this is the correct forum


Since having my colonoscope I'm having trouble opening the anal opening to allow the stool to come out, it seems it won't open properly, as if it is too tight just wondering if anyone else had this trouble, I have always had a bit of problem in this area with my rectocele but this is new, what next!!!! are you feeling now? Has this resolved? I'm not exactly clear on what you are experiencing. Are you trying to go to the bathroom and feel that there is a blockage and nothing can come out? Are you trying to stick an exploratory finger up there and you can't?

My colonoscopy was years ago but I do recall not feeling normal for awhile. I think I was a bit constipated for awhile. Between the prep and the procedure itself, this isn't surprising. You probably aren't going to have a "normal" bm any time soon. Be gentle on your system and take some nice warm soaks and all those tissues will un-swell when they are ready. Assume it's constipation, relax and respond accordingly. Don't strain of course.

But do call your doc if you are really worried and not feeling any better in a day or two. Take care! - Surviving

Are you feeling any better today? Please jump on here and give an update when you can. Waiting to hear. - Surviving

It turned out that I had an injury to my rectum during the colonoscope, no one said anything when I left the hospital but I called the office and asked if I could have my appointment bumped up, ( it was scheduled a month away ) suppose to be two weeks after the colonoscope, anyway he apparently was to discuss all this when I came in for the results. I am so angry and disappointed, I will never have this done again, ever, injury during colonoscope is common,
thank you for your kind words, I am healing, I knew something was wrong, if I have learned anything from this whole WW program it is the ability to listen to my body and I was telling me all was not right.

Dear wise owl,
So sorry that you weren't told at the time and indeed injured in the first place with no help on what to expect recovery - wise.
I wish for you much better treatment and a speedy recovery.
Aussie Soul Sister

I am not as angry now, lol, had some time to cool down, lol, its over and it was my choice, never again, we must all be so careful what we consent to, we need to always be in control of our bodies, I feel good tonight, I have no room in my mind or life to hold anger, that doctor hurt me enough and I'm not allowing him to keep hurting me by holding anger towards him. I have wiped it from my mind, I will go to hear what he has to say and put it behind me, in other words, I will put my BEHIND lol, behind me!!! night night, sleep well my friend,

So sorry to hear this wise owl, when everything seemed to go so well. Unfortunately we all know these things can happen from time to time. You just don't want to be the one it happens to. When my mom had her last colonoscopy, they layed her flat in recovery. She has a long hystory of acid reflux and gerd. She aspirated on her stomach acids and ended up in the hospitol for a week with pneumonia.
I know colonoscopies don't always turn out this way, but it is part of the reason I am afraid to get one, because I have a history of sleep apnea.
Anyway, not knocking them for those that it is important to, but I think we need to keep on those doctors, keep them honest, and hold them accountable in these situations. We should be our own advocate, or at least have some one there being our advocate.
Hoping you heal really soon.

your poor Mum, that's just so wrong and preventable,
colonoscopes are necessary in some situations but there is some controversy they are over doing them,
knowledge is power so I guess we must research and ask lots of questions, just like you said, be our own advocate and step up for those who are alone, thank you so much again,

I am so sorry Wise Owl, that this happened. I can't think of any defense for them to send you on your way without mentioning this to you. Hoping for a speedy recovery. What are you experiencing now? Remember there's no TMI on this forum!

I too have decided that I will never have another. Like you, I found out what I wanted to know, but I've never been sure at what cost.

Keep us posted. - Surviving