Calling all Post-Partum Whole Women


We seem to get a majority of our newbie questions from pregnant and post-partum moms. We know this is a scary place to be, and we could use more help reaching out to them.

If you think you might be someone who has helpful Whole Woman experience to share, you are probably right! Consider paying a visit to our Forum from time to time, to follow the stories and help support these members. You won't be sorry.

Those of us who are grateful for what WW has given us, find this is a wonderful way to give back. The Forum belongs to all of us. Thanks. - Surviving

Thanks SH, you are already doing this and it is much appreciated. - Surviving

I first prolapsed about 4 weeks after my second delivery and remember all of it very very well. I'll also try and jump in when i can.

Thank you Surviving!

Thanks so much, gr8fl, for your wonderful help. - Surviving

I'm also pretty new at about 4.5 months pp but will certainly post whenever I can even just in terms of detailing my experience to date. I know how important the support is!

Thanks MD. Anyone who jumps on here with a few words of support from the trenches, can make another new mom feel less alone. - Surviving

Im just finding my way around the site but wanted to say again (as a newbie) thank you for being there to respond. I know I am going to find the site really helpful and I appreciate your time. I will try to give back too when Im in a more positive place xx

Thanks Sunshine! We have lots of moms on here at various stages of doing the Whole Woman work. I know you will find the support you need, and your insights and your questions will always be welcome. - Surviving

.......that this forum is an interactive community of women helping women. The moderators are not consultants. Please help each other! Especially those of you who are post-partum moms with a good background in WW principles. You have some great wisdom to share. Just keep it relevant to our message. Thanks - Surviving