breastfeeding dreams


Last night I dreamed I was breastfeeding my daughter (she was a baby and not her present age of 27!) I haven’t had a breastfeeding dream for at least a couple of years, but all through my thirties and forties I’ve had occasional dreams of breastfeeding. Sometimes they are my own children, sometimes other children and sometimes animals!! They are always associated with nurturing and sometimes with running and rescuing. Do other women have these dreams or am I a traumatized lunatic?

my sister dreamed of breastfeeding her whole pregnancy. I've had a few but not alot. B

I can't remember ever dreaming of breastfeeding.
I do 'dream thematically' as dh says, and can usually figure out why based on what's going on in my emotional life at the time.
I wouldn't call you a traumatized lunatic, just a nurturing soul : )

by the way, how's your daughter feeling? she's due in a couple of months, right? maybe all the grandbaby thoughts are triggering bf dreams.

I, too, have bf dreams once in a while even though it has been over 25 years since I last breastfed. Never thought about it, though, until you mentioned it. They are very comforting dreams and nurturing ones. And, come to think of it, one time I had the breastfeeding dream was when my first grandchild was about to be born and I knew my daughter-in-law was determined to breastfeed despite her own mother's protests. The dreams brought back such wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing!

Funny thing about breasts, they have so many meanings. I have had breastfeeding dreams fairly recently, but can no longer remember the details. I too have not breastfed babies for 16 years, although I was breastfeeding for 49 months all up for 3 children. That's four years of my life, so it is a significant period of time in a lifetime of 53 years.

However, in the last few months, and menopause must be somewhere close, I have experienced, sometimes several times a day, that exquisite sensation of milk letting down, without the embarrassing damp patches of past wardrobe malfunctions, just very erect nipples!! I felt as if my boobs would have glowed in the dark! I think it might have been during a particular part of my menstrual cycle, as things have been going a little heywire in that department lately. Has anyone experienced that one? ;-)



Thanks for your comments, ladies! daughter is doing very well and due mid-february. I can't wait to see her here for the sweet of you to ask. Somer...thank you! I had a feeling other women dreamt this way! And Louise, yes, I experienced "let-down" once fairly recently and thought it so unusual that I must've been imagining it. Your validation has caused me to wrack my brain to try to understand how and why this would happen. For now though, back to the sewing machine...I'm making a long, full skirt; old-fashioned white blouse; and lace-up black vest for my party. Cheers everyone!