Misdiagnosed? More confused than ever


Ladies... I'm soooo confused. Just came back from a urogynocologist who did a pelvic exam and said I 100% do not have any kind of prolapse. I asked a million times if she was sure - she is a specialist at Columbia in pelvic organ prolapse.

She said I do have an extremely tight pelvic floor and pelvic floor dysfunction ("it's spasming like crazy in there and you have lots of knots") and that PFD can present with symptoms that feel like/mimic prolapse. She recommended physical therapy as the course of action.

She didn't rule out other things like intussusception but will have to wait on my dynamic pelvic MRI for that.

I'm a little stunned and don't quite believe her.... Has anyone else been told they don't have a prolapse or been misdiagnosed with PFD instead? Maybe they are related??

Thanks as always for any wisdom or insights.

In the beginning stages of this my uterus did not present at the gyn office. I told them it happens when I have a BM. I told them it was like a hard muscular feeling lump of flesh at the opening if my vagina. They did find the cystocele, the rectocele was not as evident but they said it's not ruled out. As time progressed, things got worse, as prolapsed are known to do. That was before WW. The rectocele is my biggest problem causer, but I have been dismissed by doctors for other things too only to be proven right later on. Passing a kidney stone pain was dismissed as pms cramps, a huge 10 pound baby they were telling me would only be seven or so pounds according to thier calculations.and I'm only imagining a big baby in there, the list can go on. I think we know our bodies quite well and the medical community has it's issues, but, that being said I do not entirely dismiss them! I am dealing with issues wether or not they present as the medical community thinks they should or they believe it or not doesn't make the prolapse go away. I can and have felt all three of them and I CAN tell the difference! I do what I must do and WW is my choice of handeling the issue. I'm sure there are other people that have had issues un diagnosed, miss diagnosed or flat out dis believed. My dad had a stroke, all the evidence was medically presenting infront of the doctor in charge and he refused to adress it because some common street person saw it before him, his pride got in the way. New doctor for dad back then. Sorry I feel I am going to rant so I must stop now. Good luck and don't give up!

Many of us, myself included, have never had or sought a formal diagnosis of our prolapse. You have talked to Christine and you've been around here long enough to have figured out that there's a difference between the WW perspective, and the misinformation about the pelvic floor being promulgated by the medical profession.

Most women will end up with prolapse eventually. And all of us are vulnerable to major hip problems unless we are taking this posture correction seriously. So, I would stay the course if I were you (assuming that your course is the WW work). - Surviving

Your perspective is always invaluable to me. I'm afraid I still
Am not comfortable enough knowing my own body to refute what the doctors are saying. I need to work on that and will continue to explore the WW Journey.

You could do a self exam. I had prolapse long before things came down I just didn't know all the symptoms. How incredible to find this information before you have symptomatic prolapse. I would learn and stick to this work and then maybe you never will have things come right down.

Hi being human - it would be a relief to know that you don't have full blown prolapse, wouldn't it? Just one thing to check off your list of conditions. However, u were probably checked while lying down in supine position which makes it difficult to correctly assess the level of prolapse going on. But regardless, Like s60 said, we are all prolapse in the making so continue with this work anyway! Good luck