really confused


i am totally flumoxed by th posture. totally and completely. not to mention tired from trying to figure out how to be comfortable and not make things worse all at the same time.

i apparently have a 1.5 grade rectocele. can this really stabilize for a good long time and not get worse? will walking not make this worse?

help! i'm feeling overwhelmed!

i have the book and the dvd is on the way. just want to support myself as best as i can, as quickly as i can.

thanks, all.


Hi Susan,

I’d say take a deep breath and relax until the dvd arrives. I’ve described the posture over and over again and can’t do it much more thoroughly than what you’ll find in the FAQs.

Many women find that walking and working with the posture helps a lot and many have stabilized their conditions for the long run. I do not know if that will be the case with you. There are no guarantees.

You had said somewhere that you didn’t understand the half squat. Just lean forward and shift your weight onto your feet from the toilet sitting position. Not straining whatsoever is as important as any other aspect of this work.

The posture is very tiring at first. Support with lots of rest and a high quality diet.


hi susan
just thought I would validate your observations about the posture. I think I have been doing it for 3 weeks now and while it isn't as challenging as it was the first week it is still very hard to do. and for me there is no comfortable unless I quit the posture and lounge- so I do- a handful of times a day- mainly to snuggle up and read to my kids or read in bed in the evening. it is a balancing act. but for me it is getting easier. last week when it was really hard I decided to think of it as training- and when you think about it it really is an athletic posture - holding your body that way takes mega strength especially in your back and hips.
also for me walking is fine- I have read some other posts about it not being a problem and even making prolapse better- so

Hi Susan,

I totally understand how you feel. I can offer a few words of encouragement that I hope will make you feel more calm about your situation.

I was diagnosed with a 1.5 cystocele and a "slight" rectocele about a year ago. Last week, my gyno declared both "mostly resolved." I have had zero symptoms the last few weeks, but I also know that symptoms can come and go. Over all, things have improved hugely and continue to improve.

When I started to incorporate the posture, I found it uncomfortable and "unnatural" because I usually stand with my tail tucked under and my shoulders a bit slouched. My understanding is that a lot of women who end up with prolapse have this postural tendency.

I started to use a small, round pillow at the small of my back to help me be supported in the posture while I sat on the couch, drove, worked, everything. Now, the muscles in my back are stronger and support the posture easily. For me, the posture has really helped.

Hang in there, Susan. Help is on the way (with the DVD and book). In the mean time if you don't strain and continue to incorporate the posture, you'll be helping things. And with walking, yes, I find that a brisk, daily 30 minute walk (incorporating the posture) really helps things for me.


It took me a long while to really get the hang of the posture. every time I thought I finally had it, I would re-read Christine's description or answer to someone's question and realize I still had some details to work out.

In the first edition of the book, Christine describes 'womb walking' and that's what helped me figure it out. I don't know how to describe it, but if you have the book, look for that description.

also remember that your whole body is one piece, if your hamstrings are tight, its going to be hard to lengthen your spine. so in any specific case, it could take a while for tight muscles to stretch enough to allow the body to maintain the posture comfortably.

you'll figure it out in time

just wanted to thank everyone for their input and help here. i know everyone here understands this early stage i'm in with having the rectocele -- it seems so unexpected, as though it happened so suddenly, and i'm afraid that my body will continue to unexpectedlyget worse or something. with nearly two weeks having passed now, things actually do feel a bit better than they did that initial week and i see how now being constipated is contributing to that.

just got the dvd yesterday and i'm thrilled. i will watch it later and i'm hoping that will help with my questions about the posture.

honestly, that this site exists is just saving me right now. i can't thank everyone here enough for having taken the time to respond. you women are amazing.
