Prolapse support


I would like to enquire if any one has tried the v2 its you babe support belt its meant for viens in pregnacy,and can be used for uterine prolapse. It rather expensive and can only be pyrchased from the us, i am in the uk. Have read some reviews some saying it is good others not.

Hi trumper,
I actually wear a V2 when I go for my my walks. It helps keep things stable and from moving around too much preventing chafing. etc. It makes me feel more secure that way. It's really not enough pressure though to support the prolapse itself. If the uterus or cervix is really bulging down there, you are still going to feel that.
I always suggest lots of jiggling, firebreathing, belly pumps, and even nauli to keep things at least moving in the right direction. These things also help me to feel lighter inside and less bulgy at the opening of the vagina.
You could get the V2 for a little extra support on occasion, but you might be disappointed with it on a permanent basis.
Just my thoughts on it.

Hi trumper,
I wear a V2 supporter all the time. I have 3 of them (and yes they aren't cheap). I started wearing one while I was walking each morning, but started to notice that when I wasn't wearing it, I had the urge to pee so frequently it was ridiculous. When I have it on, this urge is not present unless my bladder it truly full and I have to go. My prolapse is almost always bulging a bit, so I do feel more secure when I'm wearing the supporter. At first it was not too comfortable, but now I'm used to wearing one and it's not a problem. I do have to be careful with clothing as I don't want it to show thru my pants. I don't wear it when I sleep.

Hi Trumper ,I too am in uk and ordered a v2 ,Fembrace, I think it was from and had free uk delivery. After I ordered it I found this wholewoman site and decided to go for the posture and exercises . When I tried on the v2 ,after carefully measuring before ordering,it all felt so tight and restricting I rejected that idea. The company were very good as when I explained over the phone they said they could refund if product was in perfect condition,as it was. It could be worth a try for u . I am 65 and very happy to be active the w.w. way although it is never a passive thing like a pair of pants,lol! Have u read Christine's book ,it is a revelation . I wish u all the best whatever you decide.

Let me just say first of all that I use whole woman posture and techniques for the actual support of my profoundly prolapsed uterus. The V2 for me is just a device to keep things from moving around and chafing during my walks. It puts just enough pressure in my crotch for that, but it doesn't support my prolapse or improve it in any way, plus it is a cumbersome thing to wear. I can't imagine wearing it any longer than for my walks.

Right now it's just my cervix that does the peeking, and with the whole woman work, I can keep my cervix inside most of the time and prevent that nagging urinary feeling we can get with the whole woman work.

i understand that some people have even worse prolapse than mine and may not be able to have the success that I have found with whole woman, there are no guarantees for any of us, so they may be more comfortable with the extra support. That just hasn't been my experience so far.

Whole Woman is much more than a few exercises on YouTube. This return to natural posture is how we learn to hold our prolapsed organs forward to support them all day long. Have you checked out the Whole Woman website and blog? Resources pages? - Surviving

Prevention, if you find the support garment website that you say you are looking for, please be aware that new members posting links generally gets them kicked off the forum as potential spammers. Just a little something to be aware of. - Surviving

Hi Prevention - you can post whatever you like, and if it doesn't violate the guidelines of this forum, that will be fine. But realize that this forum is to provide information and support for women who are interested in or engaged in the Whole Woman work. New members generally come here with questions, so we'll be glad to answer yours. Let us know how you are doing understanding Christine's posture principles. - Surviving

I was a bit disappointed when I got a v2. It felt good when I put it on; but wasn't enough pressure on my prolapsed bladder to make a difference, I thought. Ageing Gracefully, when do you mean by jiggling?

So, you really feel your V2 helps support your prolapse? What does it do? Does it stop the bulge? Push it up a bit ??? Though mind fits well, I don't notice any help for my prolapse.

There is no surgical solution for prolapse, and our mission here is to keep women from further damaging themselves through surgery, and instead, to manage their symptoms naturally in a way that improves the whole body. Like thousands of others here, I have improved my prolapse (recctocele and cystocele) significantly and I would not go under knife for a billion dollars. There is no shortcut to learning and doing this, but since you have a computer, you can check out the resources of this site and maybe get the book and/or dvd for your friend. As you have been on Christine's YouTube site, you should have already seen the excerpt from her original video. Here is another good overview (your friend should watch this with you:)

I can c u r looking for info which is good. The answers I believe r right here and not in support knickers! Christine is not teaching people to walk straight but she is teaching us how to encourage and keep our pelvic organs forward and therefore supported by the bone which is there . When the pelvic organs are in the right position ,which is only achieved by WW posture and exercises and continual work and great diet, they r supported as nature intended. This in turn has ,for me,sorted out other problems such as pressure on the bladder incontinence etc. It is not about good posture but WholeWoman posture and life style. Give it a go but it does take time ,patience and persistence and support from the great contributions on this site. Good luck!

I didn't find the V2 too tight. If anything, I had to make adjustments to get it snug enough in the the crotch. It's great for that little extra support on walks, but you really don't need that for bike rides. The seat does that. And, if you can get into a really good position with the posture on the bike the bouncing over road bumps and such helps shake and jiggle your organs into your lower belly even more.
I didn't find that until the second year into this work though, really working on posture and Christine's exercises, so be patient with any new activities. The actual strength of the posture is what makes these activities possible.

Prevention, you say you are doing moves from a utube video? Have you looked into any of Christine's other materials? Her book Saving the whole Woman?? Her DVDs? That's what really got me going, and getting successful in managing my prolapse.

It may have been the fembrace that everhopeful was talking about. I looked at pictures of it and it looks like tight underwear or a girdle to me. The V2 actually looks more like a jock strap and doesn't cover the belly at all. If you read enough here on the forum, you will find more woman saying it wasn't tight enough for them and offered no support at all.
But I guess this is just an apples and oranges argument now.

The main point really is that Whole Woman posture is what helps us to support our organs the most and always will be what helps those of us who dedicate ourselves to it the best prolapse management so far.
Dabbling in this and that isn't going to really do much, only the whole woman work will.

p.s. I didn't mean any disrespect to the lady this work didn't work for. There are extreme cases in anything, of course. And, Christine has said herself that there are no guarantees.

That's why it is so important for the rest us to try not to get to that point. I can really understand that having a severly prolapsed uterus myself. I know mine could be worse, but I have noticed significant improvement with my symptoms just by doing this work. Maybe I caught it in time so I don't have to have worsening symptoms; so far that has been the case, so I strongly encourage anyone else to get going now so they don't get the the point either.
Ok, off soap box.

Here I go again, but when ever someone puts the phrase "strong pelvic floor" on here, I get a feeling like fingernails on a chalk board.
As you read and understand Christine's work, you will find that it is not a strong pelvic floor we are looking for, but a nice strong whole woman posture with the pelvic outlet to the back of us. Our organs should be resting in our lower bellies and pinned there with the force of our breath and lumbar curvature.
I just want that known so other new readers are not confused and equating this with whole woman.
That's why studying and understanding this work is so important.

Prevention, I wish your friend would do a little research on the many effects of hysterectomy, including prolapse of the other organs. She is not necessarily going to be better off, just trading one set of problems for another.

If you are a friend, please have her watch this:

It is criminal that doctors can still convince women they do not need their uterus. - Surviving

Some of them do check back from time to time. Christine has been doing this work over a dozen years. Just keep reading.- Surviving

So your friend has a prolapsed bladder so she is going to have her uterus removed. I'll venture to say that might be the biggest mistake of her life. I doubt she has "read everything here" if she does not have a computer. - Surviving

I understand Prevention, but you were the one who said you were helping a friend who did not have a computer. It doesn't sound like she has read a single word. I do hope that she will, before it is too late, because there is no going back on these disastrous surgeries. - Surviving

The video that Prevention is talking about was posted on YouTube 9 days ago. It shows a pad held in place by strips of elastic over the hips. You cannot tell how much it costs without putting in all your personal information first, as if placing an order. Prevention, you have smartly avoided posting a link to our forum, but in truth, I think this is just a sell job. - Surviving

I am the principle moderator of this forum, and as such it is my mission to keep it on track with its goals of education and support for women engaged in Christine's work. We get a lot of spammers and others who come on here with their own agendas. Your posts have many of those qualities, but if you want to, you can still convince us that you and your friend are real people who are looking for real answers to managing prolapse. So far it doesn't seem that way. - Surviving

I and many others have tried to help you but it is getting very repetitive now. I totally agree with Surviving and she does a fantastic job on this site which must take up a huge amount of her time. The things u r saying do not really add up . I thought it was strange when u kept saying u needed support when walking. Walking is the main time for me to get my pelvic organs in WW place so that they stay supported over the bone and I could not use this solution to my problem if I did not walk every day in WW posture and do the exercises quite a few times each week. Temporary knicker support is not a long term solution and in my case not a short term solution either! We all have to make up our minds as to how we deal with problems and I know when I have found a winning site! I bet u cannot find a better one to solve this prolapse problem!!

......the price for Prevention's garment has popped up on their website. I'm glad we were able to help you de-bug your new company's marketing strategy!! - Surviving

I think you would qualify as a detective,well done!!

Found it on utube. Umm, I don't see this one as being any more supportive than the V2. And, I always pull the side straps over my hips, otherwise it is not snug enough, just falling down. Which has me doubting the validity of this product.

And I'd like to say that I agree that Whole Woman should always be the main focus on this site, and I support surviving60 in maintaining its integrity.

AG has a profound uterine prolapse, and she is our resident expert on what support garments can and can't do. We don't have many members, including her, who use these garments as a major part of their prolapse management strategy. Just a little help once in awhile.

Prevention's product claims to be for cystocele (bladder prolapse). Now let's face it, even a severe cystocele does not present the same kind of support challenge as a big heavy uterus does.

I would not discourage anyone from trying Prevention's product if they took a hard look and felt it was worth a try. But the dishonest way in which our forum was used to promote this product, violates both the letter and spirit of what we are doing here. Prevention, you had plenty of warning that we were not fooled, so I hope you'll understand why we feel entitled to express our honest and not entirely positive opinion of what you have to offer. - Surviving

Thank you for your post. When any brand-new member references a YouTube video on our forum, especially one which promotes a product, this raises a big red flag. Those of us who choose to watch it, will freely give our opinion of what we see. We have no duty to help promote it, or even to describe it accurately.

Prevention was never blocked or removed from the site, and she is welcome to discuss her prolapse or her real estate friend's prolapse any time. In our attempts to do this with her, she kept returning again and again to a discussion of your product. This is why she got blamed for trying to do a sell job. But she was never kicked off the forum. - Surviving