
Hi, I am new. I am 52 and experiencing irregular period, sometimes heavy period (may be due to my fabroid?) and the gynaecologist diagnosed that I have stage 3 uterine prolapse.
The gyn advised me to do hysteroscopy and D&C under GA, I am hesitating whether to do them after reading the possible side effect.
Can someone please kindly help me in this?
Thank you very much

Hi AK,
I have had pretty much the same symptoms as you, except the fibroid over two years ago when I found my cervix sticking out.
I buried myself into the Whole Woman work and haven' looked back.
The heavy periods could be caused by the fibroid or the perimenopause, or even a combination of both. The fibroids are suppose to shrink as you go into menopause, so that is a plus.
I had very heavy bleeding with huge clots running down my legs in the shower, so I know what that feels like. My periods have changed a lot since then, it could be that I am getting closer to menopause or the whole woman work and dietary changes are really helping me.
I just know I am in a better place now. Either way the Whole Woman work is well worth looking into.

Yes, fibroids often act up a fair amount as menopause approaches, and then start to shrink. What you describe sounds pretty normal to me, but we are not medical folks here, so can't advise you. But it is very common for doctors to look at an overall picture like yours, and advise hysterectomy. I believe that would be a huge mistake. Take care of yourself and don't let the doctor push you into anything. - Surviving

May I know did you all go for hysteroscopy and D&C for issues like this? Or if it were you would you go for these procedures?
Thank you.

Personally, no I would not have gone for these procedures. Irregular and sometimes heavy periods are not unusual in perimenopause, especially with a fibroid. Are there some other issues besides prolapse and heavy periods that your doc is concerned about? We cannot advise you here, we can only give our opinions, since you have asked. - Surviving

I always had heavy periods that just seemed to get worse during perimenopause, but after reading more about this and about what other women went through that seemed similar to me, I chalked it up to normal for me. Like surviving said, we can't really give advice about what you should do, that's a descision you need to make for yourself.

Hi AK. My gynecologist pushed hard for a hysteroscopy and D&C when he diagnosed the cystocoele, saying that it was a trifling 5-minute procedure that must be performed to rule out possible cancers and other terrifying possibilities. When I went for the pre-surgical appointment, they delayed the surgery because they found that I had a severe issue with my heart. I waited a month for the cardiologist appointment fearing the very worst, and spent over 7 hours at the hospital that day, only to find that my heart is excellent. During that month of waiting, I also found the WW forum, and decided that I would forego the hysteroscopy and go with the posture work. I'm so glad I did! I really feel that my body didn't need any additional trauma at that point, and now I feel that i just want to continue doing what I know works. Take your time making the big decisions…..

Hi skagway - hysteroscopy and D&C to look for cancer, simply because you have a cystocele? That's crazy. Certainly glad you landed here and that you are doing well with the WW work. - Surviving

Thank you all for your prompt reply. When I saw the gyn, she noticed I have hemorrhoid and referred me to a general surgeon. The surgeon hence schedules to have the anal tag to be removed with hysteroscopy and D&C under 1 general anaesthetic at a coming date, may I have your view on this?

Thanks and regards