

hello everyone,
I am pleased to report some progress. It is just over a year since I discovered my uterine prolapse. Some standard misguided medical advice (hysterectomy - which I refused), followed by wild amounts of research, led me fairly quickly to this work, which resonated immediately. In common with many others, it seems, it has taken a while to see consistent results and to transform fears into opportunities. During the year I have studied much and learnt what works for me; essentially focussing on posture, again and again and again. But also focussing on attitude. During the last six months or so I have made sure to take a minimum half hour 'mindful walk' daily, usually in the morning. During the walk I repeat the instructions to myself silently : lift chest, relax belly, shoulders down ( and broad back, gaze forward, chin lightly tucked, head free). I also visualise my uterus lifting up and resting forward, up and forward, up and forward. I send love and appreciation to my uterus (to contradict the fearfulness and self-criticisms, as well as the usual thoughtless words and touch from gynaecologists in the past). I whisper encouragement to myself : bad habits can be unlearned! This is a training - mental and physical! For the moment the daily focussed walk has replaced all my many previous 'exercise' routines, stretching etc. Even the dancing, for now. The simplicity and meditative quality of the walk seems to remind me to stay aware of how i am standing, sitting or moving during the rest of the day.
Apart from the fact that I feel fitter, stand taller and try my best to notice when I am tensing my belly and repeatedly release her - I have been astonished to discover how pervasive this was in my life - I have also had some objective measuring of my progress by an outside eye and pair of hands. This has occurred as a side 'benefit' of the fact that since the prolapse became evident I have been going for a once monthly session (visceral manipulation) to soften extensive abdominal adhesions that have caused or complicated other pelvic problems : the ovarian cysts and a blocked fallopian tube, which in turn were pushing on the uterus.
In these sessions with a skilled and respectful practitioner I have had it confirmed that for four months now my uterus is once again consistently anteverted, following four years of being retroverted ( I learned this from over a decade of yearly scan reports to monitor ovarian cysts; at the time the change from being anteverted went unremarked by the person doing the scans).I now know from the Whole Woman work, of course, that a retroverted uterus is one of the first stages, or symptoms of prolapse.
Okay, so, by the end of the day she often slips down again - though not always - and I sometimes find myself 'checking' too much…but all in all this progress is miraculous enough for me to gratefully report to anyone starting out that yes, this excellent work works and some at least of the symptoms can be reversed, including for those of us who are lucky enough to have lived more than sixty years (I am sixty-five).
Thank you to Christine and to all those who put time and energy into this forum and related activities, which have helped so many of us to help ourselves.

Thank you firebird so very much. What a beautiful post, and how perfectly it captures the spirit of Whole Woman and everything we want people to understand about this wonderful work. There is nothing to add. You have said it all. I hope everyone here will stop and relax awhile and just read this post slowly and deliberately, and then think about how they can apply this wisdom to their own lives. - Surviving

Dear firebird,
thank you for sharing your WW journey.
Learning anything new is just how you describe, a journey of consistency,
and loving our whole selves including our internal organs and what they do for us!

Aussie Soul Sister

Beautiful post, firebird! What you have been doing here is really what whole woman is all about.
Thank you so much for posting this!

getting older isn't easy but me and my husbund have been married 37 years and have two grandkids. They keep us very busy. So rewording.

Me and David got married in 1978. and every night we like to take a a walk around a lake were we live holding hands and just talking and then watch the sunset very nice.

understanding eachothers wants and needs. every day telling your man you love him. and doing somthing good for eachother
and always end the day with kiss.