Anal Sphincter


I am concerned and would appreciate advice... I have days where I need to wipe my bottom a lot. I've been attempting to isolate the anal sphincter (not that easy) and squeeze and tighten while being aware of prolapse bladder. At one point I felt there was partial collapse of the lower bowel which was possibly due to being under weight and loss of supporting fat. I've since gained weight and and feel that has changed. Your input would be appreciated..Thank you:)

Hi Wholesome. The problem of incomplete emptying is common with rectocele, which you don't mention, though it often goes along with a cystocele so perhaps you have one. I have experienced it from time to time, this feeling of never being quite "clean", needing to wipe a bit more. I think this changes with the position of the organs, and with variations in diet, and yes, even body weight. I have had some dietary changes in the last couple of months as well as a loss of about 15 pounds, and have seen this little annoyance a few times lately. I wear a liner all the time, and I don't worry too much about it. Keep working on Whole Woman posture - I think this helps alleviate the issue, the more you can keep the organs where they belong. - Surviving

Thank you Surviving 60 for your reply. I haven't been diagnosed with a rectocele but suspect this to be true. At one stage could feel pressure on the back of the vaginal wall which I haven't noticed since gaining weight. I was very under weight and felt that the support of the sigmoid colon was affect.

I really have to wipe every day quite a lot and never feel clean enough. Could it be rectocele and incomplete emptying related? It's really annoying and I thought I am only one who has this issue. Often my bottom sores after that, even I try to do it gently. Sometimes I've got feeling that I have trapped stool somewhere near to sphincter. And I have to rush to WC to push every bit out. If WC is not available I have to hang out with all this terrible feeling. I've been diagnosed with rectocele a couple of years ago, but I feel it has became worse recently. And I am really concerned if this might be due to rectocele? I am 39 old mom of three. I used to do Nordic walking and was really enjoying it, but now I feel all this stuff affects my activities and I'm afraid to walk :(

Some women with rectocele have this problem to the degree where a little gentle splinting helps (insert one or two clean fingers into the vagina to press the bulge out of the way). I have never had to do this. Several years of Whole Woman work has sufficiently realigned my pelvic organs, and dietary changes have done the rest - so I rarely if ever have this problem any more. I would recommend studying Christine's work to get your posture whipped into shape and deal with that rectocele. Walking is great if you do it in correct posture. Proper toilet position (and no straining!) will help. - Surviving

I just posted about this topic. I have a large rectocele and it does get stuff trapped which feels horrid. I have recently purchased a Bio Bidet which has a vortex or enema function. This thing works great and has changed by life. Also if you are constipated and bulging at the emptys you right away. It is a toilet seat with several functions, including a warm washing function, heated seat, etc. Installation is easy. I also looked at the Toto but could not fine one with the enema function. These things are not cheap, I believe mine was around $600 U.S. but I was so miserable before I found this.....the price is worth it.

Chronic constipation needs to be a addressed through diet and exercise, and rectocele needs to be addressed through a posture correction. Your solution simply allows you to get through life without actually dealing with either of these conditions. Relying on enemas to go, is a red flag if ever there was one - please work on your issues or they will only get worse. - Surviving