medical crisis


I have had a prolapse for 1 year now...have not gone to the Dr....decided instead to follow the Whole Woman way of dealing with it...because I have not gone to the Dr's I have a question which maybe you all could answer...I am going on a Missions trip to Mongolia in September..can one have a medical crisis with prolapse? I am not wanting to put the team at risk with my medical situation...just wondering...

Hi loggersbride,
Prolapse is not a medical crisis, even those of us with the more severe prolapses can manage them just fine with the whole woman work. As long as you have been really working on your posture and know what tools to use when feeling symptomatic, you should be able to get through most of life's challenges just fine.

Hi loggersbride,
Yes I'd agree, the WW posture goes a long way towards prolapse management &/or recovery. Make it your default posture - live life in this posture as/when appropriate.

I also found, when I felt quite desperate in the early days, that regular (daily or 4'x a week) practice of WW exercises (e.g. 20' yoga/1st Aid dvd exercise programs) & top up exercises at intervals during the day, (e.g. 3 forward bends after going to the loo!), - also really helped to keep my pelvic organs in a healthier more comfortable position. Also reduce stress and optimise happiness. Stress does not help, happiness does - simple as!

Eat well, (organic, not processed, reduce stimulants…), eliminate the WW way, (details int he book, previous forum posts…) and stay in the posture (change the posture, change the prolapse…)

Rest when you need to.

Do these things - and you're on the path to recovery.