

Hello everyone. After suffering a cystocele, rectocele and interstitial cystitis plus 3 extremely painful exams, plus excruciating muscle spasms of my urethra... (i'd rather give birth!!!) and 3 whole months unable to walk I opted to use whole woman...and after about a week 1/2 I have resumed my normal life walking all day doing my errands. I love this site and am so grateful to Christine Dent and all of you. I had been doing square dancing, zumba, and line dancing. Do u think I may resume any of these or all if I master whole woman posture? Thank you! I am 63 years old.

Hi Jaymee,
So glad you are feeling so much better!

Keeping the WWP and principles is the key to doing any kind of activity.

Whole Woman Posture comes first... many people believe that an exercise program is all they need, and forget about the posture, so you have the right approach getting it mastered.

I had a look at some youtube videos of the styles you mention, and square dancing and line dancing seem to tick the boxes, as long as you keep your chin slightly tucked... one of the teachers had their head forward, and chin not tucked which collapses the lumbar curve.

Zumba seems fine if you do the basic steps, however they lean forward often for moves curving in the torso, head forward also, and some of the styles, talk of pulling in the stomach ( core). I would not do it unless I could stand straighter in WWP, with the relaxed lower belly of course...

I have studied many exercise styles and find Christine's DVDs an excellent holistic foundation to living.
I sometimes do Tai Chi ignoring some of the instructions like straightening the spine, and I don't do some of the deep knee lunges on my DVD.

The only dance style I will try is Scottish country dancing as it is done on the toes with hip turnout - Christine's approach is to dance with hip turnout as most beneficial.

Her First Aid for Prolapse DVD has an excellent dance based exercise program on it.
My body was too contracted and had hip dysfunction so I have based my rehabilitation on the hips DVD and gone from there.

The more you study WW, the more you will understand what to avoid and adapt if possible...often it is teachers who get in the way as I have found...many believe that holding in the stomach and straightening the back, and or tilting the hips forward, protects the spine which is what got me to where I was before WW...

Wishing you all the best,
Aussie Soul Sister

Hi Jaymee,
Thank you so much for your post. Your positive story is encouraging & inspirational.
Dancing is such a beautiful thing to engage with. My experience is that we can engage with most forms of exercise so long as we follow the WW guidelines, which may involve some modifying at times. So I definiately think you can resume dancing once you follow the WW posture & guidelines.
Happy dancing! wholewomanuk

I am new here and am waiting to receive my Whole Woman materials. I was diagnosed with a cystocele and unlike other doctors mine said that I should avoid an operation at all costs. She did suggest a pessary but only as an option. I am 62 and am also worried about pessary complications and want to hold off. I am excited about Whole Woman and have also ordered a Hideaway. I want to get back to jogging on my toes (or balls of my feet) and my Vivofit. I am reading this whole forum and feel a whole lot less afraid and alone. Thanks to all of you.