Pessary and bleeding


I have worn a pessary on occasion, when I am tired, don't feel I can manage the bulge and my day is not yet done. It is uncomfortable after a couple of hours and I understand it is a trade off one for of discomfort for another. This time upon removing, even with lubricant, and although there was no pain, I have started bleeding, enough to warrant a, "What the heck"? One day later, still spotting, don't really know where it is coming from, anyone else had this happen? Can't afford to run to doctor with every upset, and know this will stop...but, weird, since I have worn it a few times before.
Thanks, Paw

Hi pawsitive,
There has been much discussion of pessary use on the forum, and for some, they can cause irritation and bleeding. Any continued bleeding should really get checked out by a doctor though. we are not medical people on here, so really couldn't advise you much beyond that.
Could you tell us a little more about your situation, prolapse wise and what else you are doing for it? Whole Woman work perhaps?

I am doing thw Whole Woman work. I will also be at the conference in August. Sometimes when I am tired, and want a "band-aid" I have used the pessary. The last two times there has been some spotting, but this time, alot of bleeding. I suspect I have had more prolapse and it could be my cervix now. When it is in, the pain is from pressure on the rectum, I believe. The discomfort comes and goes, mostly AFTER I take the pessary out. Very confusing, but, I think the pessary is no longer an option.
I am trying to remain, Pawsitive!

Most pessaries hold the vagina open, which is exactly what you don't want. WW work trains the organs to be held forward in the relaxed lower belly, with the vagina remaining as much of a closed, airless space as possible. If you have Christine's book, you will have also read that a pessary can aggravate or even encourage the development of a rectocele. I think this bleeding is a sure sign that it's time to ditch this device, and concentrate on the real solution. Good luck and keep us posted. - Surviving

I am now seeing a UroGyn to assist in the management of my stage 3 rectocele. Last Friday he tried two different pessaries. The second one I was able to tolerate for half and hour after leaving his office (the first type - tried two sizes - fell out). I am 71 yrs. and, while I would like to believe exercises and posture would relieve my symptoms and help me manage this issue, I am doubtful. Tonight I am having burning, hurting, pressure and rectocele is swollen. Each time this inflammation/infection presents, I have taken an antibiotic and it clears up and I can again manage without too much discomfort. I take Milk of Magnesia every night - 1 T. to keep from straining and going easily. I would surely appreciate a response ladies.

Hi VB and welcome. I am somewhat confused about what kind of infection you are being diagnosed with, because a rectocele bulge is not an infection and antibiotics are not an appropriate response. Do you have a urinary tract infection that you cannot get rid of? Are you certain that you are emptying the bladder completely every day? Rectocele and cystocele often go hand in hand and it is often necessary to take steps to ensure the bladder is being tipped all the way over, so to speak.

In any event, a pessary is not a good idea with a rectocele....assuming that you can even get one to stay in. You will aggravate it even more. The goal of the WW work is to keep the organs forward in the belly, not crammed into the vaginal space, and most pessaries hold the vagina open which just makes the problem worse in the long run. From your post I would assume you have abandoned the pessary.

Please look into the Whole Woman work - there are videos on the Resource page, and on the YouTube channel at wholewomaninc. Do some reading and studying here, and get yourself at minimum, the book and First Aid for Prolapse DVD. The urogyn you are seeing is not giving you great advice, and the next thing on his list of suggestions is likely to be surgery (that's his profession). Time for you to take charge of this. - Surviving

I just got a pessary .it has been slipping down and is very uncomfortable. So I pulled it out and put it away…feels like I have an infection now. Stayed awake most of the night…waitiñg for the Dr office to open.I don't think I am going to like the pessaries……

Hi Tessyellow - according to an earlier post, you got a pessary at the end of July. Is it just starting to act up? Or is this a new one? - Surviving

Hi this makes no. 2, I am going back to try no 3 tomorrow.

Tessyellow, since this is the Whole Woman forum, where we don't advocate the overzealous use of pessaries......I feel like it's OK for me to ask - why are you going for number 3? - Surviving

I just feel lost and I don't know what to do. i just thought if i could get the right one it might help me have a better life.

Are you doing the WW work? Posture, exercise, firebreathing and more. This is how so many of us got our lives back on track. Maybe it's time for a posture check with a practitioner? - Surviving

yes I am going to get busy on all this. got to try something.