Help, I'm pregnant!



I am a 28 year old mother of 2. Both of our girls were born vaginally, one at 31 weeks (3.5lbs, 21 hour unstoppable labor) and the other at 36 weeks (6lbs, 1 hour labor..VERY intense). I had a Mcdonald cerclage at 28.5 weeks with our second baby. I have also had 2 late first trimester miscarriages. I have been diagnosed with PCOS as well. Two years ago I was diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse. The rectocele causes me the most trouble, I have a small cystocele and my cervix at times is about 1.5 inches from exiting my vagina. I am currently about 9.5 weeks pregnant!! Very excited about the baby and very terrified of this pregnancy. Last time I was on bed rest for 2 months (not sure if it did any good) I was in labor much of the time from 24 weeks to 36 weeks when she was born. Now I am concerned that the prolapse will make this pregnancy more difficult. Am I right? None of the doctors thus far seem to be concerned. I get conflicting advice from every doctor I have seen. I have not been diagosed with incompetent cervix since I labor with dialation. At this time I am still unsure how I developed the prolapse after the last birth (I COMPLAINED of pain that woke me up at night deep within my lower pelvis and NOT ONE doctor could tell me why until a year later the rectocele looked like I was giving birth to my own vagina). I have also been unable to lose weight since my last pregnancy (they say it's the pcos). I know that isn't helping since I am just over 5 feet and weigh 205. I honestly don't know where to start to help change my situation and promote a healthy pregnancy.

I am ashamed to say I have had Christine's book and the first aid for prolapse dvd for quite awhile now. I got VERY overwhelmed and stopped at trying to learn the posture (I still don't think I am getting it.) I find myself pulling my rear end forward like I was taught as a little girl. I am not sure where to begin (posture, food, exercise....)now that I am COMPLETELY motivated....I just wish I had not procrastinated until now. If any of you out there are willing to lend your advice I would greatly appreciate your help.


Hiya - many congratulations on your pregnancy -that's brilliant news. Welcome to the forum! I think you'll find much benefit by getting into the posture. Here's a link which may help you. A very kind lady (Sue) from here sent this to me when I didn't have a clue how to navigate this site and it helped loads.

I think there's some amazing stories that give one cause to hope on here from Granolamom I'm thinking at the moment whose pregnancy has caused her uterus to lift. Hurrah!!! Give youself some time to navigate. But, if I can stress one thing to you - it's GET IN THE POSTURE!! It REALLY helps (even with a gammy toe) so get into it asap.

Hope this helps. We're all in the same boat so holler if you're not sure of anything xx

congrats and welcome to the forum!
I don't have lots of time for a long post right now, but just want to say I don't think the prolapse will hinder your pg much, if at all. have no idea what will be afterwards though, I'm wondering the same! (I'm currently 23 weeks pg with our fourth baby)

regarding the posture, there's only so much you can do while pg. at a certain point your body realigns to accomodate the baby and the lumbar posture becomes (at least it has for me) impossible.

I'd begin with diet and the posts here, reread the book, imagine yourself making the posture part of your lifestyle soon after the baby is born. alot of this work, for me, was in my mind, adjusting to the concept of prolapse and realizing that its up to me to bring healing about. no quick fixes, but we do have tremendous power to stabilize the prolapse process (and hopefully reverse it to some degree!)

hang around, there's lots to be learned here, and tons of loving support as well

I was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago and I am still spinning, but I am grateful that I found this website. I don't have much info to help you about your prolapse yet since I am just starting out like you. However, I have been dealing with PCOS since my teens and I am now 38 and recently had my third baby. If you have any questions specific to PCOS I'd be glad to help.
