Almost 10 years!


I thought that surgery was my only option years ago. I found Christine's web site 10 years ago and I will be grateful to her forever for revealing her knowledge to the world. I am still doing fine without any medical intervention. I have learned a lot over those years. Please give your body time and respect. There isn't an easy and quick fix for prolapse. When you understand the problem and learn how to manage it, your life will become closer to what you considered normal. There isn't enough words to express my gratitude and appreciation for having access to all the information posted here and published in Christine's books.
Wishing you decades of success. Thank you!

Hello Dear annaf,
Congratulations on your 10yrs with the Whole Woman Journey!
I feel the same way after finding this site 3yrs & 4 mths ago!
Thankyou for your encouraging post, and it is a privilege to meet you!

All the best,
Aussie Soul Sister

Thank you so much for this wonderful post. What a testament to the Whole Woman work. It is so hard sometimes for women in this predicament not to panic and become filled with fear. If only they could all see the possibilities that the future holds for them, if only they would give themselves time and really devote themselves to this process. Your words may give them the courage to take that long view and to trust and respect what their bodies are capable of doing. Thanks annaf and here's to the next ten years! - Surviving

Beautiful post!! Thank you so much for coming on with this inspiration!