long term expectations


i was diagnosed with stage 3 bladder prolapse yesterday. Wondering now how it could look at say 10 -20 years from now (70 to 80) years of age). Anyone out there with that experience? I have not had any surgeries to remove uterus. Any helpful info into how I can empty my bladder outside of sitting forward on the toilet seat?

Thank you!

Hi ridehighwaters. Have you begun the Whole Woman work? Learning the posture, doing firebreathing and jiggling before you go to the toilet, and even getting down on hands and knees if you are having real trouble emptying - these all may help.

I started this work at 60 and have been doing it 5-1/2 years. My symptoms have stabilized but of course the organs are always shifting and things will change moment to moment. Once you learn the posture and it becomes automatic, things do improve because you can go through your day mindfully but without fear and worry.

What happens to a bladder prolapse after 10 or 20 years of neglect? That I cannot say and I will never know! As long as you have your uterus and you avoid all "repairs", I suspect there is a limit to how far that bulge will progress......but it will no doubt be more uncomfortable and more of a hindrance with each passing year (especially if other organs begin to prolapse as well). Not to mention, more UTI's if there is trouble emptying. - Surviving

Thank you surviving60 for your help! I recently received Saving the Whole Woman book and First Aid DVD. Feel hopeful at this point and so thankful to come across this alternative way to live with prolapse.

I also bought the Saving the Whole Woman book and First Aid. I do not see jiggling in there. Where do i go to find this exercise? I have a stage 2 bladder prolapse.
I have been doing the fire breathing for a couple of weeks and am up to 2 minutes a session - two times a day. I think i am doing correctly but I read over to make sure periodically. Things are not worse., which I consider a gain so far.
I am working on posture. I am at a desk all day except when I get up to do my vivofit steps. I sit the way i think the posture should be but my feet are obviously on the floor. Any suggestions?
I also like the 'new kegel' exercise which is what attracted me to this web site.
I LOVE the forum - awesome place because this was very scary to me. I never heard of a prolapsed bladder until it happened.

You can use the forum search to find posts on jiggling. It isn't anything that is covered in the book or dvd. It's just something that many of us do, each in our own way, to help get the organs into the lower belly. I personally just bend over into firebreathing position and jiggle my whole lower body from the feet up. Just get comfortable and use gravity and movement any way you like to help move the organs forward. Very effective before and/or after going to the bathroom, before and/or after firebreathing. - Surviving

Thanks Surviving 60!