Wishing Christine, Lanny and family & the Whole Woman Community across the world a Wonderful Festive Season and New Year!

Much love and Best Wishes,

Aussie Soul Sister

Merry Christmas!! And, best wishes to all for a safe and happy holiday season.

Very best wishes to Christine, Lanny, and everyone here! We are having a warm, rainy and windy holiday here. Some are bemoaning the lack of a white Christmas, but I'm fine with this!! - Surviving

Lanny and I send our love and best wishes to each and every one of you! Immense gratitude to Aussie Soul Sis, Aging Gracefully and Surviving for their continued, wonderful support of these forums, which are now almost 13 years old!! This, of course, is counting our first two forums, which we lost because they were not internet based and could not be copied over.

We are snuggled inside for the rest of today and tomorrow - I've had enough! I made a darling purse for my daughter and the rest of my presents are homemade vinegars, pickled vegetables, and bread. I will post a pic of the purse (it's really a shopping bag) on the whole woman inc. Facebook page in case you want to check it out.

Stay in WW posture and may 2016 be the best year yet!

Much love,


I would like to wish Christine, Lanny, and everybody who reads this forum a joyous Christmas, Hanukkah or any other festival you may be celebrating and a healthy, prosperous and peaceful new year to all.


Love the hand-made bag. Here are the pix:

How sweet of you to post the link!

Well, we have had our Christmas break and today Lanny and I are on our way to nestle into an alcove at one of the hotels downtown for the day, planning WW for 2016 and also finishing up the shooting schedule for Saving the Post-Hysterectomy Woman, which we hope to have completed by next week!

Love to all,


Happy Christmas/Season to everyone in the WW community. Wishing you all, all the best in 2016.
Thank you so much Christine & Lanny for all your wonderful work, dedication & determination. Awesome:)
You continue to inspire & encourage me & many others besides I'm sure.
With Love & Best Wishes,

To all the wonderful WW community.
Happy New Year.
Wishing you all peace, health & happiness in 2016.

Wishing you all a blessed and beautiful New Year!

Making my New Year's resolution to get back into regular walking and exercise. 2015 was a stressful year in my world, and these things took a back seat when, with a bit more effort on my part, they could have helped me greatly. No more excuses!

And to anyone who has not yet made the leap into a full understanding of prolapse and how to manage it, now is the time to do that and get on with life! Happy New Year to all. - Surviving

Dear Christine, Lanny, your family and those wonderful chooks ( as we call them here) along with this wonderful Whole Woman Community and all your loved ones,


Much love and Blessings,

Aussie Soul Sister