Vault Prolapse


I’ve never done a post before, but I see there is a wealth of people with information here, so hoping someone might have some ideas for me.

I am 75 years old, had four vaginal births, then a hysterectomy in my 30’s--that was about 40 years ago. I know--if I had known then what I know now, I would not have allowed the hysterectomy, but at that time they did it at the drop of a hat, and we didn’t know any better. I guess I have been lucky not to have major problems before, but I now have a stage 3 post-hysterectomy vault prolapse. My GP and Gyn diagnosed a cystocele about 4 years ago. It turned out that my symptoms were not from the “cystocele” but from bladder stones, which an excellent urogolist diagnosed and corrected. But from that time on, the prolapse got worse. From the Gyn I got two ring pessaries, neither of which worked at all. I did not want to go back to him, but I finally found a woman doctor--a Gyn but with additional training in pelvic restructuring. She said I did not have a cystocele at all, but instead the post-hysterectomy vault prolapse. I am scheduled for surgery, but first wanted to try a pessary, if she could fit me with one that would work. She said the ring pessary is not typically the best one for a patient without a uterus and she fitted me with a cube pessary. It does work, at least it keeps everything inside instead of outside, but it is next to impossible to insert and remove. From what I read, you really have to remove it daily as there is risk of erosion. This just isn’t going to work for me. I don’t know if there are any other options in pessaries.

The more I learn about the surgery, the more I want to avoid it. Do I have any choice?? I have Christine’s book, but I don’t find much in it about what to do about a vault prolapse. Lots about the risks of a hysterectomy and how that can lead to a vault prolapse, but that’s about 40 years too late for me. Which of the exercises would help with a vault prolapse, or is there anything? I have tried kegels in the past, but that seemed to make things worse. At least, is there anything that might keep it from getting worse? I am very depressed. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is a post from Christine on the subject:

Hoping you can find something here that will help. And, I want to add the Christine is coming out with a new video addressing just the concerns of the post hyst woman that should shed some more light on this subject.

Hi NW - You might even want to book a consult with Christine, to discuss the details of your situation and find out what your options truly are. For example, if there is a pessary that seems to work, you should probably not rule it out on the grounds that you can't remove and replace it yourself. Rather, consider trying it for awhile, with periodic checks and cleaning by the doc, and see how it goes. Often, with a stage 3 vault prolapse, surgery might not be avoidable in the long run. In fact, these days, that procedure is generally performed in conjunction with the hyst. - Surviving

I also recommend viewing the linking gracefully recommended.
Avoid fire breathing and nauli and work with any circling of the hips/waist postures gently.
Living in WW posture & according to WW lifestyle & principles, avoid constipation, good diet, WW toiling, working gently with exercises, reduce stress, optimise happiness…. All these things will help.

A wonderful investment in health is to invest in the WW resources that are appropriate & affordable for each person. Working with a WW practitioner or Christine can offer a wonderful form of support which can be spread out over a lifetime. This is a lifetime approach - & fortunately we have the rest of our lives for this work.

Love, wholewomanuk