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I'm looking for solutions. I have bladder prolapse and now it seems my uterus is prolapsing too. According to my physio lady I have tight back muscles and too tight oblique abdominal muscles. My transverse abdominal don't fire at all and this means the tight muscles are pushing everything forward and down. I have exercises to strengthen the transverse and have been taught to do kegels. I also have started using a pelvicore ball (Google search if you are curious) since this is supposed to help too. After coming across this site I'm wondering if I should invest in this as well or if it is similar to the ball exercises or so different from my ball exercises that I need to do this instead. Have any of you taken the whole woman program to your pelvic physiotherapists for their opinions?

Hi Ordinary and welcome. Here is some reading to get you started if you are interested in looking into the Whole Woman work.

Christine's approach to pelvic organ support is not like anything you will learn from your PT. Those of us who have found this site, are thankful every day that she has devoted her life to describing the true anatomy of prolapse. You can also go to the Home page, watch the little video you will find there, and take it from there. - Surviving

Thank-you for the info! I have a sore back a lot of the time. How do you find the posture is on the back?

Hi Ordinary,
As soon as I adopted WWP I was able to stand comfortably at an evening function, with no discomfort and stress/ pain in my back during, or the next day.

As you gain strength and become used to holding up your torso with your own strength, not slouching in furniture, you could experience some discomfort and fatigue, however the more you do in WWP the easier it will become.

WWPosture is the most safe, stable, relaxing, energy saving and elegant way to live and move.
It has given me my quality of life back.

All the best,
Aussie Soul Sister

Remember Ordinary, that the wide-radius fully-extended posture that Christine teaches is the natural female spinal shape. This was "trained" out of most of us, as we were taught to suck in our bellies and tuck in our butts, unfortunately flattening out that lovely natural curve. Most pelvic physiotherapists teach kegeling and a more "neutral" spine. You will not get the results by doing either of those. - Surviving

First of all I would like to say u r very welcome here and I am sure that u r not ordinary at all but a very unique and interesting person in your own right!
I am so happy to have discovered all the wisdom here and most of all the WW. posture. I find it is really beneficial and often prefer to stand when others choose to sit. I know it is better for me to be in posture and I know I look taller and younger too and more
likely to smile than when sitting! Without using the posture all the time I have POP symptoms galore but this posture has enabled me to forget the POP most times which I would never have believed possible at the beginning. Keep reading and learning and I hope your back improves soon.