New User - Possible Prolapse - Questions!


Hi all,

I am to this website but from what I can see, you all seem incredibly supportive of each other so I hope someone can offer me some advice here.

I am coming up for 28 years old, I have not had any children, I am not grossly overweight and am generally in good health. Last week I went to the bathroom to have a bowel movement and when cleaning myself I felt a slight bulge at my vagina and perineum (apologies if I'm using the wrong technical terms, I'm from the UK and we are typically a bit awkward with all of this!). I panicked a bit as it was so unexpected but after a few minutes it went back to normal. The same thing happened once more the following morning but then for the next 2 days nothing happened. I did have a feeling in my stomach of needing to use the bathroom but when I went to the toilet there was nothing. I did make a doctors appointment though just to be on the safe side.

Yesterday I attended the doctors and explained my situation. The doctor seemed quite sure that because of my age and the fact that I haven't had children that it would be highly unlikely that it is a rectocele/prolapse (are these the same thing?). She examined me by using a speculum in my vagina and then feeling with her fingers. She said there were no obvious signs but I have a thin vaginal wall and she could feel stools inside. She recommended self-monitoring the situation for a few weeks and going back if I felt the need to.

However, today I again was attempting to have a bowel movement (the first in a couple of days) and the bulge was back but this time it felt much more obvious. It seems to be situated just to the right of my vagina and perineum and felt very hard to touch. I was also unable to actually make a bowel movement despite feeling the need to. I have read on the forums about splinting and I gave this a go but I really didn't know what I was doing and so I was unsuccessful.

I'm fairly anxious about all of this as my mum had a bladder prolapse a few years ago and has suffered a lot as a result. She was given mesh surgery which has caused a huge amount of damage, but that's another story. I know I haven't had any kind of official diagnosis but the thought of having to potentially deal with this kind of issue at this age is really worrying me. As well as the fact that I haven't had any children yet, I worry that if this is what I have then would being pregnant create more problems?

Sorry to be making such a long post, I just have a lot of questions and didn't really get any answers from my doctor. I really would appreciate any help you can offer, thank you!

Hi Rachy16 and welcome,
Here is a link to the prolapse self exam, so you can get a better idea of what to look for:

Welcome Rachy - we're so glad you found us, because there is a great deal of misinformation floating around out there!

Prolapse is not all that unusual in a youngish childless woman; certain things will predispose you to developing it. A history of constipation and straining on the toilet; a tendency to pull in and tighten your belly and tuck your butt under (this is how so many of us were taught to carry ourselves, alas), and of course, lots of hard-core exercise moves that fixate on a tight abdominal "core". All bad!!

Rectocele is a prolapse of the rectum, or in other words, the rectum creates a bulge that can be felt through the back vaginal wall, which will feel different at different times (depending on the status of your stool, not to mention the fact that these organs are all very mobile and are sliding around all day long).

My favorite intro to the Whole Woman work is this:

Learning about this posture correction, which is nothing more or less than a return to the natural spinal shape that is our birthright as a wonderful and amazing thing that I wish I could have done in my 20's! Ask your questions here, we do indeed have a wonderful community of women in all ages and stages of life. It's a great journey! - Surviving

Hi Aging gracefully, thank you for that link, I will certainly give it a go. The doctor who examined me yesterday said she couldn't feel anything though :/ She also said if I came back she would refer me to a gynecologist but from the looks of this article, that wouldn't be the correct person, I'll need to look into this further. Thank you for your help!

Hi Surviving and thank you for your response.

I watched the introductory video for Whole Woman and I admire the non-surgical focus on addressing these issues. As I mentioned above, I am fairly anti-surgery based on what my mother suffered with her bladder prolapse so I am glad to see there are other options!

I definitely plan to look into the posture correction as I am certain I have been guilty of not holding myself correctly!

Do you happen to know if stool softeners help at all with this? I am feeling pretty uncomfortable just now and I think being stressed about this is making the situation even worse!

Also, the fact that the bulge seems to be located to my right side, does this sound typical? Or maybe everyone who has a prolapse is different.

Sorry for asking so many questions. I feel that you are answering what my doctor couldn't!

If you have a tendency towards hard, dry stools, then stool softeners are one solution, but it's better to look to your diet and lifestyle for possible improvement. Lots of leafy greens, healthy Omega-3 fats, exercise, a sensible but not excessive fluid intake, etc. And of course, stool softeners don't help with the stool that's already there; so you may as well look towards a longer-term solution to this problem.

'Celes originate from the organs on the other side of the front and back vaginal walls. But frankly, mine sometimes seem like they're on the side as well. I never understood this, but never worried about it. Things are always moving, and what counts is to get them to move forward, and out of the vaginal space. - Surviving

Hi Rachy 16, welcome!
I have rectocele, which seems to be in the middle, however my cervix which was getting lower when I found this site, sits above the pubic bone, over to my left.

If I am not careful, I think sometimes my cervix can put downward pressure on my bowel, as sometimes I feel pressure late in the day, so I know to correct something I am doing/not doing!

I don't know if this is related, however I used to put all my weight on my right leg often while standing, and sit on my right buttock particularly in the car, so maybe my cervix did an opposite pendulum shift! LOL. ( not to mention really slouchy posture)...before WW...

Christine's approach will help you even out your body, balance your posture, give you the safest toileting posture for life, and soooo much more!

I have had an ongoing management priority with elimination, with issues all my life...
( I have had children, prolapse was probably on the cards for me, though brought forward by forceps delivery and ipisiotomys).
Rectocele showed up during my 2nd pregnancy, and in answer to your Q about having babies, the prolapses just get out of the way during labour --- I had 2 babies with rectocele no problem...many women on this forum have also...

I have done many things with diet, supplements, exercise, and relaxation to keep regular, though it isn't perfect all the time, as I can skip a day, rarely 2 has happened...

I am currently finding that being mostly vegetarian, ( helps more so far) partly because of a huge increase in veg, legumes etc, and I always find that a piece of fresh fruit and some prunes helpful. Need good wheat bread 1 - 2 slices daily, a little sauerkraut daily...Nuts, avocado, and coconut oil/ cream play a big role also. ....No supplements at this time..or dairy... no coffee...weaning off daily decaf... 90% cocoa choc goes too well with it!

I try to avoid dehydration, but don't drink as much water as I used to but need to have some daily.

Sitting too long ... love reading books and researching on the internet.. doesn't help so some exercise is something I try to do daily.

As you observe your body, listen to it, and become much more self aware in the Whole Woman approach, which is one of the best gifts this gave me, you will work out what works for you with diet and strengthen yourself mind and body...

the DVDs (are amazing).... essential for me as an adjunct to living in the posture 24/7... I put more than a year first into learning the posture as a foundation to Christine's approach...
I am a tad older, than you, had low fitness, so took things more slowly....

Wishing you all the best,
Aussie Soul Sister

Thank you again for your response. It is very reassuring to hear that other people have experienced similar feelings,it all feels so alien at the moment! I am reassessing my diet now,I want to do everything I can to manage this!

Hi and thank you very much for your detailed response!

I am definitely going to have a look at the Whole Woman resources,it's very refreshing to see an approach that steers away from medical intervention and focuses on what you can do to help yourself!

I am almost 100% vegetarian at the moment but I could definitely do with making my diet even better,the advice you have given is superb'

Unfortunately my job involves me sitting at a computer for long periods so I need to make sure I am moving around regularly,hopefully this will help a bit.

Once again,thank you very much for your information and advice,I feel much less panicked about this now I have heard from yourself and others on the forum.

but much older than u. I have shown this web site to my daughter and wish I had known all this when I was young. However the posture, excercises and support from this site have given me my life bacK and I am very grateful. I too saw an NHS gyno and now understand why he looked stressed and worn out I think it is because he knows he does not have long term answers. He offered me surgery but research teaches me that I will never do that! If u r anywhere near Devon I would recommend an appointment with Lindy,the practitioner there, she helped me greatly. The details can be found on this site and there is the extra option of Skype or a phone consultation I believe. I wish u luck :))

Hi Everhopeful,

Thank you for your reply! I suppose this is just something people don't generally talk about much, though it seems it can happen at any age. It's so reassuring to hear from people like yourself who have had such positive results from the resources and information on this site. I am working on making lifestyle changes to manage this myself and I am sure the information I have found on here will be incredibly useful!

I am in London, so a few hours from Devon. I will definitely bear Lindy in mind should I feel the need to seek further help.

Thank you again for your comments, I honestly feel much less anxious about this just hearing from everyone here.