Proplaspe help


Hi all, I had my 2nd child 4 months ago. And a month ago I discovered I had a bump or ball if that's how you can describe it. It looks like a Cresent and it comes out when I do strength. I saw my midwife and she said that happens when you have children. And said to do kegels. I am soo depressed. I have no pain no symptoms. What can I do..


U r in the right place and all the info u need is here. Someone with more knowledge than me will answer u soon but I know that the body takes 2years to fully recover from child birth and u have time on your side . Enjoy your wonderful children but learn the posture to protect yourself and help your body to heal. U will find other new Mums on this site who can empathise and help. I am a granny! I think the dvd ' firstaid for prolapse ' would help u as much as it did me or u can use the live streaming or Skype sessions. Keep reading here and u will find natural remedies to last a life time. U need to use the Whole woman posture when lifting heavy things if u really cannot avoid that. Take care and eat a good diet. Congrats on the arrival of your little one!

Thank you for your encouragement

Hi Yesse and welcome to Whole Woman. What you are experiencing is very common and normal. The first thing I'd recommend for you, is that you stop doing "strength" if that is what seems to aggravate it. There are prolapse-safe ways to exercise that don't push the pelvic organs back into the vagina. It's all part of learning and practicing Whole Woman posture. Also avoid kegeling because that too pushes things in the wrong direction. There is so much bad information out there, telling women to do just those very things that are causing the problems in the first place.

So please read around on the site, and follow the forum discussions. You are at a prime time of life to adopt this posture correction, and stop trying to get those tight abs. The way to maintain pelvic organ support is to learn to stand, sit, walk, move, lift, carry and exercise the Whole Woman way. - Surviving

Hi. i am 37 years old and had my first child last year by normal delivery. I thennoticed that I had a prolapse. My gyne told me to see a psysiotherapist to do kegels ecercise which I have. Been doing systematically since 7 months! Sometimes the prolapse seems better but sometimes it bulges out about 4 cm! Just wanted to know if there are other women who have had similar cases and are now ok. Thanks

Hi Mama - for starters, can you read the responses above? That will get you started. This forum is for women who are interested in learning about the Whole Woman work, so use the information on this site to familiarize yourself with the concepts, then come back with your questions. Meanwhile, stop kegeling already. I did it for years. It doesn't makes things worse. Start learning! - Surviving