Care of Prolapsed Uterus


I have a greatly prolapsed uterus which is showing some stress in the cervix area. I had it last summer and was able to take care of it with the recommended organic honey. I have a little bleeding with it. The very sad thing is that I am reticent about going to a doctor as I know that they will recommend surgery. That happened last summer. I wonder if anyone has had this problem and knows of any additional help other than the honey -- soaking or sitz bath? I am wearing the fem support brace (have forgotten the name) today which feels helpful. I do work at being in the posture and do the incontinence exercises. I am so grateful to Christine and to all of you supportive wonderful people!

Hi sunrise,
So sorry to hear of your troubles as I also have the severely prolapsed uterus, but haven't had problems with my cervix getting sore yet. Some additional things that I can think of for you to do is perhaps add the addition of olive or coconut oil to your cervix to keep it lubricated. Ebsom salts have been very soothing for me when I am feeling sore.
You may also, if you are able, bend over and jiggle your organs back in; follow this with a good round of firebreathing, several times a day. I find that these techniques help, along with posture of course, to keep my pelvic organs inside more. Getting down on knees and forearms and doing some belly rolls can help also.
Hope some of that helps you.

Thank you so very much Aging Gracefully! Your suggestions are helpful and I will add the physical postures and actions to my daily repertoire. The jiggling doesn't quite get my uterus back up where it belongs but I will do it anyway. And I will add the firebreathing which I haven't been practicing and the forearms on the floor with belly rolls sounds like it has a lot of potential too.

And especially I want you to know how much it meant to hear from you. It's huge for me!! It is a feeling of support with understanding and wisdom and kindness. I thank and thank you!! And I thank Christine for this forum and this extremely important work.

I'm going to work with your suggestions and get back to this forum. Many thank yous again!

Hi sunrise,
In regards to the jiggling, I also have, at times, given my uterus a good shove up before I jiggle. Those of us with the more profound uterine prolapse do have to put a little more force into the jiggling too; I will usually go up on the balls of my feet and do a good round of bouncing and jumping. When I first found my prolapse, mine didn't budge very much either, but over time I have had a lot of movement with it using these techniques. It really is important to get the uterus to go in as much as we can for the firebreathing to be the most effective.
Best wishes to you.

Thank you again Aging Gracefully! I have studied the firebreathing on the DVD and hope I am doing it correctly. And I like the idea of giving a good shove to that wanderer! It makes me realize I need to be more proactive than I have been. And I'll do the firebreathing more often. I do not have the Yoga DVD and very much enjoy being in yoga classes and am not sure about which yoga postures are not recommended for a prolapsed uterus. I have the sense that the downward facing dog is very beneficial.
Best wishes to you too for sure!

Hi sunrise,
I actually have all of Christine's yoga DVDs and enjoy them very much. I try to do them daily along with the First Aid for Prolapse, alternating them during the week. I especially like them because I don't have to wonder which poses are prolapse friendly, because they all are!!
Anyway, when doing regular yoga classes, just try to make sure you are not doing things that have you sucking in your gut or putting you at odd angles, plank pose comes to mind as a no no pose.
And yes, down dog is a very prolapse friendly pose!

You are so wonderful Aging Gracefully!! And yes! I will buy the yoga DVDs and I guess it's time for me to do yoga on my own along with the First Aid for Prolapse practice. I have done a gentle yoga for years and love the support and camaraderie of the class. So this will be a transition for me and I will figure out a way to manage it.
I had been marveling at how the honey cleared up the bleeding and then noticed that this morning it is back after brisk walking. I am just about to leave for the summer to another city that might have some more alternative type healing professionals than the city I live in. As I said before, I am very resistant to hearing about having my uterus removed.
I am coming to the conference and am looking forward to it!
Please know how very very much I appreciate your responses and very kind support. Many thanks again!

Hi sunrise,
My gosh! You don't have to give up your yoga classes; just be aware of the positions you are in and how they make you feel prolapse wise, not doing things that cause stress in the pelvic region. I do think if you are also doing Christine's yoga series, you will get a better idea of what feels right and how to hold posture in the different poses.
Have fun at the conference, and please do come back and tell us all about your experiences!!

What is the "jiggling" exercise?

jiggling is not an exercise, but a technique used to bounce those pelvic organs into place right before firebreathing.
You just bend over touching the floor, stair, chair, or back of the tub and jiggle or bounce.

Can you use your hand to help jiggle those pelvic organs? I do that a lot, don't know if it is good or bad? but it works!

I have given my uterus a shove before jiggling, but after a time from doing this work have found it to be unnecessary. The jiggling and firebreathing are enough now to get the movement I need. It is not going to hurt you; it just might be a waste of time after awhile.