rectocele & cystocele,still


30/4/16: Hello, I have not written here for a few years. I am 82 yrs. young, ballroom dance on ce a week and quite active even though I have other bone problems etc. etc. I am still suffering this burning & itching sensation, mostly about once a week. I have tried honey as I once read here and all types of ointments, vaseline, penaten(baby's ointment and tried inserting 1/2 of an anusol suppository. I have seen a top specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto here. a few years ago but also see my regular gynocologist. According to the top specialist I am at grade 1 level of both rectocele & cyctocele but it is so terrible when it does show its symptoms. I even soak in salt water by using a "sits bath". I am not very good at the computer & want to try to find out what I can do otherwise. This cystocele started in 2004 and I did'nt notice anything for a few years. There again the gynocologist I had at that time did not tell me. I found out by sending for my medical records when my then gynocologist retired and I wanted to move on to another doctor. This is getting worse now of course what else can I do. I do exercise every day strengthening & toning on my living room floor, never miss x five years now.


Hi Tangogirl,
Sorry to hear you are still experiencing this. I have read through all your older posts and the great advice given there, so don't know what else we could add to that.
I do wonder though, you said that the honey helped the times you used it. You could perhaps try the spray bottle of vinegar and water alternately with the honey twice a day every day for awhile and see if doing it on a regular basis, rather than when symptomatic would help more. You may need to do this daily for awhile regularly to keep those symptoms at bay.

30/4/16: Thanks Permalink for your note. I cannot seem to get to the video I once saw here for the exercises for my problem. Not good at computer & have no one to help. It is amazing I do all I do I am just lucky when I do dance(once a week) I am o.k. that day. However, I have a chronic back problem(believe it or not) & that is something else I am coping with yet I feel great other than these things.ha ha!

Hi Tangogirl, are you looking for items in the store? The link is up above. Here is the basic First Aid for Prolapse DVD:

You don't mention in your post how you are doing with WW posture. Are you trying to maintain it throughout the day? I don't know what kind of strengthening and toning you are doing on the floor, but you need to get up on your feet, exercise in correct posture, then stay in that posture all day long. Trying to "grade" a prolapse doesn't mean much because the organs are always on the move. The Whole Woman work helps move them in the right direction and keep them there. - Surviving

30/4/16: Thanks Permalink, again. My problem is I don't know how to "buy" over the computer to get the info I need. I have no DVD because I can afford it but don't know how to hook it up etc. Yes, I have been keeping my posture o.k because of my back problem. I ballroom dance strict international style BUT once a week only now. My husband is residing in a nursing home x11 yrs. and his needs keep me busy also. I wonder if I can get the video of these exercises here in Toronto. I am grateful for your interest.

Tangogirl, if you have a computer or laptop, it probably has a DVD player built in. If it doesn't, there are external players you can buy really cheap (I have one) that just plug right in. Besides DVD's, there is Christine's book, and numerous streaming products you can watch right on your computer. If you need help figuring out what to get, or how to purchase it without doing so on-line, you can contact Lanny in Customer service (by phone or e-mail, see the Contact Us link above) and he can help you. - Surviving

1/5/16: Thanks once again Permalink for your comments. I will try to get help with the posture exercises for the above. I am on my feet a lot but my posture has always been very important to me, as I mentioned because of my back problem.
I certainly rest 2hrs. each day if I can other than that I am able to do most things. I need help getting the exercise that Christine Kent has suggested.

Tango girl.

3/5/16: Thanks again Permalink, I will try to get an external player. It is difficult getting about as I have no car, but can and do gets rides.


26/6/16: Today I was in such misery I did try again, Honey mixed with a little vinegar, as suggested by Christine a while back. It has helped so far. How we women suffer. On top of all this I am also on a waiting list for back surgery(I know what that is and understand it.) My specialist has been there for me over 25 yrs. Also my husband is now in palliative Care in a N.Home x 11yrs. So I am really stressed, which does'nt help. Seeing my GP tomorrow for routine blood test results.
Thanks for all your help. I will try to keep you all posted.