Foul smell and discharge


Hi I'm new here I want to know what you guys use for smell instead of the Trimosan (which I hear is not the best).
Also what about discharge I'm finding I wear a panty liner 24/7 because of this. Any help would be appreciated, oh and I have a uterine prolapse I'm 53 no children and I have a heart condition.

You could try the raw local honey. Just insert a dab on your finger high up in the vagina twice daily. The honey should feed the natural lactobaccili that live there creating a more healthy environment.
I have also had more of a discharge with my uterine prolapse, but on days when I can keep it up higher with the whole woman work, I don't generally have the discharge as much.
Have you had a chance to look around on this site? There is loads of great information to get you started with whole woman.

Not only you, vaginal odor extremely makes many women so annoying! The symptoms include not only awful smell and discharge but also itchness and redness. But luckily, you can get rid of it easily thanks to the treatment with white vinegar which you can find here:
Just simply pour approximately 150ml white vinegar and 100g salt to bath water (warm water is better than cold water) and then soak vagina in minutes.
Also, apple cider vinegar can help you to get same possitive effects in a shorter time. Mix two cups of apple cider in warm water then soak in the mixture for about 20 minutes then wipe.
I used to have much discharge with foul smell but now I don’t need to worry about that issue any more. However, I’m having troubles when my vagina is dry. I wonder if it is caused by the using of vinegar?
So aside from vinegar, there are many other home remedies you can pick up from the site above. Hope them be useful for you!