I am shaking...


hi all, I havent been here in a long while but needed to share a very unhappy story...

a friend of ours lost his mother this week. she was 57 and healthy. she went for an 'elective surgery' and after discharge fainted in her husbands car on the way home from the hospital. he hightailed it back to the ER but was too late.
the surgery? a routine 'bladder tuck up'.
I wish she had called me first. we must continue to help christine shed her light. I still struggle to swallow my pride and share my story with people, I wish it was easier to talk about pelvic health! but it is truly lifesaving.
so thank you once again, christine, for the work that you do. thank you for this support group, for the education and for possibly saving my life too. I was :this:close to surgery myself when I found you.
I'm going to go have a quick cry now before my kids come looking for me, and then head off to meet a bunch of our friends at the beach. and you know what the topic of conversation will be! I will be lecturing on POP :)

love to all the wonderful women here, I wish I had more time to hang out on WW

I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. Prayers being said for your and their families.

A few weeks ago I went to doctor due to my cystocele becoming untolerable. The doctor told me that if I had surgery I won't be able to lift ever and that will not work with my lifestyle. I'm scheduled to be fitted for pessary tommorow.

I have found this site in the time since last appointment. I have already ordered some things but haven't received them yet. I am eagerly awaiting their arrival.

I'm glad you posted this to show how dangerous surgery can be.

How great to hear from you, thanks for sharing this very scary story. It's a grim reminder that, apart from pelvic "repairs" being the worst possible way to address prolapse, ANY surgery carries significant risks. Surgery has its place, at those times when the risks of surgery are worth taking. A "bladder tuck" - how sad this bill of goods was sold to yet another uninformed woman. Thanks so much for sharing and please do stop in more often, we miss you (and we quote you) so much!!! - Surviving

granolamom - sending love and hugs.
You are love and light!

Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

I just called in to say hello. I've had surgery to remove a bowel tumour but I feel Ok now. I still have a rectocele but it doesn't worry me now. Only the cancer I had does and I hope it doesn't come back. I had surgery as I collapsed but I'm ok now. I have had no bleeding or pain so if I hadn't gone to hospital I might have been worse off. I am scared of hospitals and surgery. I panic. Cancer is a silent disease I suppose. Always check with a doctor if you feel ill.

Hi Cleo - thanks for checking in, great to hear you are doing better these days. I know it has been a tough journey for you. We're always here whenever you feel like sharing. Sending you all the best - Surviving