

brndajo i have been told i have cystocele. Until I receive a tape. I need to know if any regular exercise is okay, like walking or tapes that include a variety. Are there any that are particularly harmful? My bladder looks like its just sitting at the opening of my vagina, Is that really bad?

It's about as bad as it gets, I don't believe it will get any worse, and I think you can improve your comfort significantly. I don't know why you can't open the posture download - no problem with AOL - but hopefully you've resolved it by now. General exercise is careful of placing your body in sit-up type exercises that increase pressure to that area. Please let me know if I can help further.

brndajo Thanks for replying so quickly. Having all these messages posted really help with a lot of questions - thanks for having it. I go to urologist next Tues for my first visit since seeing GYN. Wish me luck! Is he just going to be ready to schedule surgery? And how should I handle that?

Hi Brnajo and welcome! I have only been on this site a couple of months and have learned so much. It's nice to talk to other women that are in the same condition. It's sad though that we are not informed years before that things like this would happen if we don't exercise properly and take a new standing position as Christine mentions. I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject, and have been living, pretty much, at the library. I check out some pretty embarassing titles, believe me. All pertaining to pelvic floor disorder! And darn the luck, most of the librarians, these days are MEN! Oh well, I'm too old to worry about what they think! I'm 61, have had 3 children, and worked on our property for years beside my husband. Building, etc! This is the payment I get back and yes I mostly blame it on my doctors, who every year would give me the annual pap smear, but never mention to me that I needed to start more kegels and other exercises. As far as I'm concerned, yes, they are there to make money, and one referral to another doctor is also money for them.
I have been diagnosed 2nd and 3rd degree rectocele, and cystocele. I am working hard on reversing this myself. I don't want surgery either. Don't have the time it takes for recovery, but most of all I am scared to death of the chances that I'll be the one that they screw up on, excuse the term! This is enough for now, I'll talk another time. Keep at it. We all here know how scary it is when first diagnosed, but with the support of all of us you'll learn a lot and you are not alone. Try the sea sponges, Nancy

One more thing, before you write to me or anyone, it's a good idea to check their "Profile." A few are of another gender, believe it or not. Why they would want to read all of this, I really can't say, but check us out anyway. Nancy