

It's one of those evenings when I feel a bit euphoric. I feel better, actually so much better. I don't care if it isn't 100 percent totally better. I will take better with an occasional much better.

Here goes. So thanks a lot Aging Gracefully for your advice. Internally I am getting my uterus off my rectum, at least enough to make life fun, worth living, and I have hope. Thanks a lot Christine for your book, and your toileting video. Aha! At last an answer. Not my nerves, not my diet, not my imagination, not my fault! Well, I guess it's my fault for having bad posture habits. Who would think in my 60's I could correct that? Who would think in the past 7 years a body could recover from two different, rare cancers, surgery, radiation, chemo, more surgery, a few other problems along the way, and rectal prolapse that was largely undiagnosed but horribly for me, very real. Euphoria reigns. And thanks for "protecting" the spinal curve, and fire breathing, and just stressing good sitting posture, especially sitting on the floor. That seemed weird, at first to me, Christina, but it's a life saver. Even my husband accepts it now because he can see I am feeling so much better.

Life is good again. Read, consider, think it, put it into practice. Try not to complain too much. Life is hard for most of us, it is not for the faint of heart. Believe you will get better. It won't hurt anything to believe. You are your own doctor, your own healer, your own teacher eventually. But thanks so much to those who light the path first.

As someone who started this work at 60 (but without all those other issues that have complicated things for you), I am thrilled to see how things have turned around for you. Thanks for the post. Incorporating the posture into every aspect of life is so vital, and it's what gives us back our quality of life....but many of us miss that point and might give up before they've seen just how much benefit can be realized. You get back what you put in. You are a shining example. - Surviving

Hi fiveyearplus,
So glad everything is working for you and that you are getting relief of your symptoms. I remember when my uterus started lifting off my rectum too. What a relief that was! Small measures in the bigger picture, and you have described it all so beautifully.
Best wishes to you!