prolapse associated with menstrual period?


Dear all, First of all, let me express my gratitude for the existence of this forum and the Whole Woman Inc site, it has saved me from lots of worries. I am 36, no kids, no pregnancies, normal body weight, I don’t smoke and the women of my family don’t have prolapses. However, 2 months ago, on the days close to the first day of my menstrual period I found out I have a prolapse. I was very scared and started looking for info about it, and found this great website. I have been doing all the exercises (new Kegel), many times a day an I have corrected my body posture. I am a very sportive woman and used to run 10 K 4-5 times a week. I though the prolapse could come from wrong running, so I stopped running and started doing low impact cardio exercises and the new Kegel.
I had my period and after my period finished the prolapse was completely gone. I had already made an appointment with the gynecologist (when the prolapse was still there) but I only manage to see her during the period of time when the prolapse was gone. So, she sees me and annoyed tell me I have nothing, absolutely nothing, no prolapse, nothing, go home and be happy, and keep on running.
Again this month I am about to have my period (say 6 days before the first day of my period) prolapse is back! I have done the self-test, and I guess it is a prolapse of the uterus. My question for you is: could a prolapse in a young woman, be strictly associated with the menstrual period? If yes, is there any way to avoid it, apart from doing the new Kegel exercises? Could be a hormonal condition that is only affected by the menstrual cycle? As you can imagine, I really don’t want to go back to the gynecologist, she was treating me like a crazy woman who invented having a prolapse. Any advice on this would be very welcome.
Thanks a lot.

Hi YAF and welcome to Whole Woman. Many if not most prolapsed women (unless they are post-menopause) do find a worsening of symptoms around their periods. My opinion from reading your post, is that yes, you do have a mild prolapse, nothing that the doc is going to see when you are lying down, especially during times when you are not symptomatic.

The WW work is a return to natural female posture which supports the organs by holding them forward against the lower abdominal wall; it is for EVERY woman, at whatever stage of prolapse she may be (because most of us do end up with some degree of prolapse). This is not primarily an exercise program; you have to understand the posture and learn to live in that posture all your waking hours. Running is actually good for prolapse IF you are in posture. Christine even has a video on this. Once you learn the posture principles, you can engage safely in most forms of exercise, and most importantly you will be in a position to judge for yourself, what is safe, what can be tweaked, and what to avoid.

I personally have never had or needed a formal diagnosis of my prolapse, and if you are inclined not to bother getting further medical attention for this, I can only agree wholeheartedly! This work has been life-changing for me and so many others. Glad you found us here - take advantage of this wisdom while you are still so early in this game; it will pay off handsomely down the road, in ways that will touch all aspects of your life. This is so much bigger than prolapse! Good luck and keep us posted - all questions answered here! - Surviving

Dear Surviving60, thank you very much for your kind and prompt reply as well as for the multiple advices. Before finding WW I was literally petrified thinking the worst! I was so happy when I found WW, and could read the answer of all the questions I had about the prolapse. I was wondering do you know the link of the video about running?
Thanks again.