Question about bowel flora


Hi Everyone!

I saw somewhere that Christine mentioned bowel flora as very important for the rectum. I'm dealing with a rectocele, and I can completely imagine that probiotics are important! I've just started taking one, and working my way up to more. Are there any recommendations or is one of the products a place to learn more about this? Would probiotics help the rectocele? (Along with posture, of course!)


Some good quality probiotics might be a good jump-start in improving your intestinal flora, especially if you've had a recent round of antibiotics. But on the whole, eating a variety of fermented foods, at least a little something every day, is the way to go. Lots of discussions about that on the forum. My personal favorite is sauerkraut; it is so easy to add a little into whatever I'm eating for dinner. The real stuff.....fermented in brine, that you make yourself, or buy in the refrigerated section of a good store.....not the canned kind. - Surviving

Kombucha is great too, and it can be flavored. You can find it just about everywhere now in many flavors, or it is easy to make yourself. And, I agree about the sauerkraut. Just look up fermented foods on the web, where you will find many sources and ideas. Getting the processed junk out of your diet and fresh food in is a big help too, so those healthy flora can survive in the gut to begin with.

Oh man, I wish I could! I have an allergic reaction to those foods, which was puzzling. I just found out it's called histamine intolerance. So weird! I have an extremely healthy diet already. I've been working on digestion for a long time, not realizing that bowel movements where problematic because of the rectocele. So I am a super healthy eater.

Probiotics can really deal with the rectocele effectively. That's why you need to add more probiotic foods in your daily diet. The best one is yogurt with various types at your disposal. Others includes:
Sauerkraut (as surviving60 mentioned)
Kimchi (a traditional Korean food)
Kombucha (suggested by Aging gracefully above)

Yogurt is not particularly probiotic unless you are making your own. Commercial yogurt is too processed; anything that was ever alive in there, is no longer! Not to mention the added sugar. You may find more healthful yogurt choices out there, in a health food store. Also make sure any soy products are organic and non-GMO. - Surviving