Heart disease and hysterectomy


Well, February is "Heart Awareness Month" according to the American Heart Association. It's not even here yet, and I'm already disgusted at the media coverage. Hysterectomy is a HUGE risk factor for women's heart health, especially if the ovaries were removed (and often they will cease to function anyway). This is never discussed.

A well-respected local doctor, a cardiothoracic surgeon, writes a weekly health column in our newspaper. His most recent topic was women's risk for heart attack (focusing on "silent" heart attack). Not one mention of hysterectomy as a risk factor.


I e-mailed him, but of course he did not respond. I realize his primary allegiance is to his fellow surgeons!! "You take her uterus......then send her over to me when her ticker starts to act up!" Am I being too cynical? - Surviving

I did not know this. My Mum wants a hysto because she has fibroids and adonema (not sure if that's correct) but she will bleed profusely for weeks at a time and become anemic. The only solutions offered to her have been a Mirena or hysto. She doesn't like hormones as they change her moods so feels hysto is the only option. Any one ever experienced this? I know hysto comes with many complications and don't want to see my mum suffer more.

This bit of information has got me questioning her choice even more. :-(

Thanks for reading