Kegals and UTI


Hi anyone reading,

I've had tail bone pain for quite a while now and because of that pain someone suggested it could be prolapse and to look up Christine Kent and her work on whole woman. I still don't know if the tail bone pain is related to a prolapse but because it got me thinking about prolapse I started doing kegals (because that's what we do right...) and I started to notice I had some bladder issues but didn't put it down to the kegals.

Two days ago I went swimming in the beach and I was doing kegals whilst there just standing around. I know WW doesn't support kegals but forgive me as that's what I've been told to do for many years now so old habits are hard to break. Anyway I ended up in a lot of pain in my urethra with constant urges to urinate. I had to take ibuprofen and a Valium to sleep.

My question is: do kegals give you Utis? Is that because of the nature of the prolapse? This has never happened to me before and might have something to do with kegalling while in water but if that's what kegals do why on earth do they recommend it?

And I will be looking into a consult with a WW consultant soon. We get paid on Monday night.

Thanks for reading.

Hi Liss - Prolapse can be a factor in UTI if it makes it harder for you to empty your bladder completely. That's why Christine's posture and toileting practices are important. I haven't heard of UTI's being caused by kegels. Christine has written extensively on kegels, being the wrong anatomical concept, not doing any good, and actually making prolapse worse by pulling the organs in the wrong direction. I am living proof of this, having done them religiously for a long time. If you are continuing to do them out of habit, time to get some new habits! - Surviving

Kegels are not recommended as part of the WW work. They do more harm than good. They can't actually cause a UTI to happen though. Proper toileting can help in voiding and that information is on the WW site.

If you think you are having a UTI you should go to the doctor for a urinalysis and culture just to be on the safe side and if you do have one, then take the recommended antibiotic. I usually take Cipro when I get a UTI as I've become allergic to most of the other antibiotics, but it works for me. I actually have just gotten' over a UTI myself.

Good luck!

Thanks for the replies. I have read all but one blog on this site and I do read the forums and have watched the videos. I am using a squatty potty and I am properly voiding whilst doing a wee but my bladder is extremely overactive. I have to use the loo every hour, sometimes 10 minutes after I've been and it's extremely frustrating. I feel like I'll never be able to leave the house again :-( I have also had my urine sent for testing but it was quite diluted from all the water I was drinking to get rid of the suspected UTI. Not sure how much longer I can tolerate this incessant need to urinate.

Am glad your uti has cleared up. Not fun.

Liss, try getting your 1st early morning (upon awaking), urine tested. That's when it's usually less diluted and more concentrated.

Here is Christine's take on squatty:

The best way to avoid bladder infections is through complete emptying, wether it is leaning forward half squat off the toilet or on all fours in the shower. If you need a refresher on really good toileting practices, you may want to look into the Whole Woman fundamentals. This one covers all the basics of posture and correct toileting.

p.s. Needing to urinate frequently is one of the signs of UTI, so the sooner you get that cleared up the better, and also start working on some better toileting practices, as what Christine teaches us.
Have you had a chance to look into her materials? I know we have given you many suggestions. Lots of great stuff here.