A possible time frame to see changes?


Hello, I was diagnosed with Cycstocele and the main symptom I have is frequent urine. I can get up to 6 times at night to pee if I drink tea or water in the evening. It will be twice if I don't drink in the evening which I sometimes do to avoid waking up so many times.
No other symptoms for me. I am working on holding the posture during the day and exercise. I know it is hard to predict but still I dare to ask if I can expect a change within a certain time? I'm waiting for that night when I will sleep throughout the night with maybe one time waking up....I'm just thinking if the frequent urine can be also a matter of a different cause? During the day it is also pretty frequent. Any insights will be blessed. Thank you

It sounds like you could really benefit from our PeeOn/PeeOff exercise in the WW Solution to Urinary Incontinence. We are finding it is one of our best exercises for stress urinary incontinence, frequency, urgency, and cystocele. We can't really predict time frames, but in general young women with healthy connective tissue often see results very quickly - days to weeks. A sixty year-old may require a year to really be able to see significant change.

There are a lot of variables - an anti-inflammatory diet being a major one. Connective tissue wraps the organs and connects them onto our skeleton. This tissue is very subject to inflammation, so make sure you are getting enough vitamin C and also micro minerals. Sugar is a metabolic poison and should be avoided entirely.


Thank you for the reply Christine. I am 50 years old with 4 kids so I guess I am somewhere in the middle of sixteen and sixty :-) I eat very healthy and besides being one constant cleanse I keep it well. Sugar gets into my system very rarely. where do i find the pee on/ pee off information? Thank you again!!

If you don't already have it, this video course describes a new model of our urinary continence system, which is evidenced in our development as human beings. It and the PeeOn/PeeOff exercise are truly revolutionary. Kegels should be dropped from the conversation about prolapse and incontinence!


Also because of budget matter. I purchased the online course which gives the 5 modules. I thought this will be my solution to the often urinary issue. From what your are writing, I understand that maybe the program you are suggesting now might be the one for me? I want to try to be focused on the one that is right for me, i can not purchase them all right now and would love to follow the program that you think be the bet for me. Please advice. I appreciate your help.

All WW exercise is designed to move the pelvic organs forward with both our structure and our breath. I suggested the urinary incontinence course because it contains revolutionary exercise as well. I wish I could’ve put everything into one product, but WW has been a work in progress.

Thank you

I think most of us would agree, if you were going to purchase one video it should be First Aid for Prolapse. - Surviving

Add the item to your cart. Then you will be able to calculate the shipping charge. Then click on "contact us" to see the mailing address. - Surviving

Why not just buy the on-line version? See my link up above. WW created the streaming and digital products to alleviate these shipping/handling charges for members anywhere in the world. Had you taken advantage of the Valentine's sale, you could have gotten the streaming version for a song. - Surviving

You could have sent a money order to Lanny just as you were planning to do! Then he would have set up your account to access the video online. Such excuses....my goodness. You have been on this forum a long time, often giving advice to others. What a shame you haven't even begun the Whole Woman work. - Surviving

This forum is not about who buys what, but it IS about the Whole Woman work. If, after two years here, you have neither the resources, nor the confidence in WW to enter into this very important endeavor, then I really am out of words for you. It's your body, and you will not be first (nor the last) who cannot let herself reap the benefits. - Surviving

Yes, we are so glad that you have come around to seeing the true benefit of the Whole Woman work, Tanglefoot. It goes to show that it really isn't ever too late to get started with this work.
Once you get your DVD, please come back and tell us about your progress. We would love to hear how you are doing with it.

Hi, Elani,
I just wanted to share my positive results which have occurred within a short timeframe; there is hope! I was diagnosed with a Stage 3 cystocele, Stage 3 rectocele and an enterocele. I did not suffer from incontinence and I am over 60 (huge sigh!). I found the Whole Woman website and initially bought the Basic Course for Pelvic Organ Prolapse. I have been doing the exercises in that course for two weeks and the results have been dramatic! I had organs poking out of my vagina prior to starting the WW posture and the exercises. I thought I was doomed to feel pain and exhaustion for the rest of my life and to wonder how much I could accomplish each day. It is truly a miracle. That series of videos also provides some information on toileting which is very helpful. I now sleep through the night or get up once at night to pee (or as my mother used to call it, "tinkle.") The WW posture and exercises work! I thought it might take months for me to have improvement, but my prolapse symptoms are reversed for much, if not all, of each day! It is truly miraculous. Such a blessing. I have also started doing the exercises first thing each morning since Christine mentions in the exercise video that that is what she does. I think it helps the day go better. So have hope. It may not take long to see some improvement in your symptoms.

Hi Bug’s Mom,

Thanks so very much for taking the time to share your results with the rest of us. It is a huge help to others who are just starting out, or who need extra reassurance along the way.

I always hesitate to say this, because obviously it sounds self-serving, but there really is no other reasonable option than the WW work. There is little to be done about prolapse, incontinence, and chronic hip pain than return to the natural human alignment that developed as we grew up under the forces of gravity.

It is not a quick or complete fix for many women (there is no quick or absolute fix), yet the more we work on it, the more we see that living in our natural, intended shape not only shifts prolapse, but changes us in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

I am happy for you!
