Wind power


Good morning...

Serious climate scientists are making increasingly dire predictions for the future of our planet and humanity. We all need to do our part.

At Whole Woman, we have recently subscribed to Arcadia Power. By federal law, you are allowed to require your electric utility to purchase power equivalent to what you consume from companies that provide electricity from renewable resources. Arcadia Power builds wind farms in various places around the country. They bill us every month in lieu of the utility bills we formerly received from our electric utility and they supply an equivalent amount of electricity to our utility. And we know we are at least making a small contribution to the environment by not consuming fossil fuel created electricity.

Our web server is in Taos, NM. we chose them for a number of reasons, one of which is because they are at 7000 feet elevation (~2300 meters), they rarely have to air condition their data center. And they have recently installed a large solar array, which provides for most of the electricity needs for their office and data center.

These may be small contributions in the larger scheme of things, but it is important that we do what we can to leave a livable world for future generations.

If you are interested, here is the link for Arcadia Power Company.

All the best,
Lanny Goodman (Christine's DH)

That's awesome Lanny! I just read and article about Dutch trains that are 100% powered by wind.
It can be done!!

Thanks Lanny! I think a lot of people (including myself) haven't really looked into how provider choice seems overly complicated. I was not aware of the point that you explained with regard to renewable sources. I was a little disappointed that their website did not allow me to search for plans in my area, without giving them my personal information first. But that's how pretty much everything is these days! - Surviving

We need more companies like Acadia Power. Thanks for sharing!