need some encouragment


Hello ladies.

I am having a bad day. I have been whole womaning for a couple of months now and I know I am still early days but I am struggling so much with my hormonal fluctuations. I have just come off the back of a mean week around ovulation. Lots of heaviness and discomfort. Had an amazing day yesterday. Great whole woman walk and felt no symptoms. Then today. Just yuck. My cervix is low. Its sometimes is about 2 knuckles in and sometimes the length of my finger. No one has diagnosed a uterine prolapse. I guess it's irrelevant really because it's definitely lower and when it gets this low it bothers me....Probably psychologically more than anything. Walking helps but it's tough with a 14 month old who's heavy and into everything. So much lifting and picking things up and housework....all the things most mums just do without a second thought. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. I know cervix height varies through the cycle etc. I know hormones have an effect but it seems I am just always at the mercy of my hormones, one way or another. Sorry I am rambling. I said I would give this a year and see how I feel and I know I will never be 100% and most of the time I am ok with that. I suppose my question is, can ww reduce the effects of my hormones? Or will I be at their mercy for many years to come?? Sorry for the downer. I know it could be worse and I know I have much to be thankful for but...eurgh....some days I could just weep. Thought those days were behind me xx


My Heart goes out to you. It isn't easy but girl you are doing it and that says a lot. A BIG HUG your way!!

What you need most is encouragement from other PP moms, so I hope we hear from one or two. Meanwhile......Your prolapse is not severe and I believe you can expect continued improvement if you are diligent and committed to WW posture and practices, including lots of firebreathing. I can reach my cervix; I think this is quite normal after having kids. The organs are always moving around, and most likely, throughout your fertile years you will continue to see fluctuations in your symptoms as you proceed through your monthly cycle (though you are still PP and might yet see this improving a lot). it's tough going through this with a toddler, to be sure. You might have opportunities during the day to get down on the floor and really let those organs relax into the belly. Your body does change after each baby. A couple of months of posture work is a good time to assess yourself, but it's far too early to say where you will end up. I had my most notable revelations in my second year. So keep the faith! - Surviving

I'm having a better day many ups and downs though. It would be good to hear from any pp ladies....especially any who have seen further improvements in their second year?!