Has anyone used the MuTu System along with Whole Woman?


Hello and thanks for taking the time to read my post. Scroll to the bottom if you don't want to read my history first :) I'm slightly familiar with both Mutu and WW but I still have a lot of learning to do about both programs. Forgive me in advance if I use the wrong terms or am misinformed about the things I'm about to say.....
So, I'll start with my history. I'm 34, weigh approx. 130 lbs, and have one child (he's 2 years old. Natural, vaginal delivery. He was 8lbs 10oz). I feel like I may have had some prolapse during pregnancy but didn't know what it was at the time and it wasn't bothersome. I noticed something was "off" when I returned to work at 12 weeks after delivery. I stand on concrete floors. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it through my first shift because I felt like everything was going to fall out...if you know what I mean?! :) But things seemed to improve over the following weeks and I figured I was just getting used to standing again so much after 12 weeks of sitting on a couch nursing.
Around 9 months post partum, I was still having trouble with urgency and having the feeling of a bowling ball wanting to drop out. My prolapse would almost bulge out of my body some days. My midwife suggested PT. So I went, got some exercises (not kegal based and they did help with urgency, but not prolapse). A few months later (around 14 months post partum) I realized things weren't improving so I went to see an OB/GYN who specializes in pelvic floor issues. He basically told me to finish having sooner rather than later and then have a hysterectomy! I cried the whole appointment (and then never when to see him again)!! I knew there were other options but just to hear that I was mad at my body for failing me! He did diagnose me with cyctocele and rectocele and my uterus had dropped slightly. After that I just carried on with life and didn't do anything to address the problem.
Sooooo.....around 22 months post partum I begun getting fed up with the feeling of the prolapse. Some days were better than others (although it didn't seem to follow a pattern with my cycle). But I was sick of it! And I felt like my core was SO week since pregnancy. I lift a lot of heavy (30+ pounds) items off the floor at work and I didnt' feel like my core was doing its job. So I went to another PT. She said I had a 2 finger gap diastasis recti. And felt very hopeful with the work we were doing. I used a biofeedback machine, did core exercises, and pelvic floor exercises. She was the one that suggested the Mutu system as maintenance work after we finished therapy. I felt good while doing the exercises but I regret to say that I haven't kept up with the exercises since I've quit PT.
I've seen some others mention Mutu on this forum but it's always received negative feedback from you all. My question is can you use WW for prolapse and Mutu for diastasis recti? Or do they completely work against each other? It seems like each program is designed for different conditions. I also had read someone mentioned Mutu is anti WW because Mutu talks about core strength (which is a no no for WW? Please correct me if I'm wrong)!
My goals:
Improve my prolapse so that I can live with it comfortably and go on to have another successful pregnancy and birth.
Gain core strength (not looking for a 6-pack just to have a stable core to help with lifting at work and get rid of my momma pooch)
Thanks in advance so any help or suggestions you have (either regarding Mutu/WW or just my situation in general)!
I'm happy to be here!

Strong core, pelvic floor, flatter stomach: These are all terms that go against the whole woman teachings. Getting a better understanding of the dynamics of whole woman and why they are necessary will help you in better understanding of why these programs contradict each other.
Christine also has a DVD that specifically addresses diastasis recti that you may want to check out as well as her other postpartum options. All of Christine's work has the same goal, getting us into the strongest whole woman posture that we can, so we can move those pelvic organs out of the vagina and into the lower belly.
Hope that helps some.

Bare with me as I try to forget every thing I've learned :)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a strong core necessary to prevent injury and help with lifting?
Please tell me I don't have to choose between helping my prolapse and preventing back injuries.

Whole woman posture is all about strengthening our bodies and getting them back to their natural form. This may seem strange with all the sucking in and abs work that we have become so accustomed, but you will be stronger and better able to lift without injury of your back or prolapse while doing it in strong ww posture.
I used to have such back pain and hip pain in my sucking and tucking days, and after reforming my body, that pain has gone away. My body has the strength needed to accomplish these tasks.
If you have seen women balancing huge baskets on their heads or carrying their children front and back, you are seeing women that have culturally maintained their natural posture. Western culture has adopted so many bad habits that we now need to retrain ourselves back to this natural form.
This is all in Christine's work and is fascinating to read. She brings the clarity needed to better understand the reasons why we are doing it in the first place. I just love that aspect of her work!

Hi Little boy's momma, please use the Search function to look for other discussion threads about Mutu. Remember that while this is an open forum, it is here to support women in the WW work, not to debate Christine's teachings (which are well explained, and self-evident to anyone who throws herself into it). - Surviving

Aging gracefully- Thanks again for your input. This is all new to me so it's difficult not to revert back to what I've been told my whole life!

Thanks Surviving! When I used the search box last week, only 4 threads came up about the topic so I wanted to ask a more specific question to see if anyone had any advice about Mutu AND WW. I haven't purchased any of Christine's material yet (so maybe I shouldn't be a part of this forum?) but as I've done more research over the last few days I see that it's not possible to use both systems. I'm sorry if I came across as not trusting Christine's work (I wouldn't be here if that's the way I felt). I'm just trying to get a better understanding of WW. It's been over 25 years of me hearing the opposite of what Christine says. So please be patient...it's hard to shake 25 years of information overnight.
Thank you though for your time you put into responding to women on this forum! We're all in it together.

Hi Little boy's momma,
As this forum is part of the whole woman site, it is for woman that are interested in or actively pursuing the whole woman work. Studying the work first hand is the best way to really understand it, and we on the forum will never be able to explain it as well as Christine does.
You can go to the tool bar above and give everything a good read to get more familiar with this very important work, and then head on over to the whole woman store where you will find the many programs Christine offers. If you need any help navigating the store or questions about the products, just come on back here and ask.

It should not be too hard to discard the beliefs of a lifetime, when those beliefs have failed you, and millions of other women like myself, who spent decades holding in their abs and doing crunches and kegeling and the whole package. Everything you believe is right, is actually contributing to your problem now. For me, Christine's explanation resonated instantly, and her methods and wisdom have changed my life. It took me about 20 seconds to let go of about 40 years of thinking I knew what was right.

Young women still bearing children, who have the opportunity we didn't have, to learn what's really going on with their bodies sooner rather than later, cannot squander this wonderful privilege.

First you need to understand that the female "core" is lower than the male; at the level of the sacrum. Much of the traditional bodywork is unsuited for women; it exerts the complete wrong kind of pressure on the pelvic organs. Absolutely no one but Christine has recognized and addressed this. So, no, you cannot dabble with a foot on either side of the fence. Make your choice, but read up and educate yourself first. - Surviving

PS: I do not know what the Mutu program involves. But the fact that it stresses flat abs and a strong core tells me everything I need to know.

Where can I find a video showing correct posture?

Hi Helpatlast,
A couple of good videos to start with:



There are many great products in the whole woman store to pick and choose from; if you have any questions about them, just let us know or contact customer service.

I’ve watched the Mutu system from its inception and can confidently say there is no intersection whatsoever with Whole Woman. There is no overarching anatomical framework in Mutu, but rather bits and pieces of information that add up to nothing that is wholly coherent.

In the early days Mutu was all about “engaging the core” against a backdrop of a “strong pelvic floor”. If that has changed it is undoubtedly because the founder eventually acquiesced to what is truly natural and has since re-directed her teachings. More power to her and her followers.

No Christine, I see on their website the same old same old. "Strengthen your core and pelvic floor" (that's a quote). Lookingforward has just joined the forum and may have skipped over the forum guidelines. We are here to provide information and support for those interested in or actively pursuing the WW work.....not to debate its merits, which are self-evident to any of us. Those signing up here with any other agenda might be considered in violation....but that's not my call. - Surviving