Prolapse: Bladder and uterus


Hi. I am 65 years old and new to this site. I was diagnosed with a prolapsed bladder a stage 3-4 (1.5 centimeters out) and uterus a centimeter from vaginal opening. I was scheduled for surgery for anterior repair and hysterectomy on August 1st. A week prior to surgery I got cold feet, decided I didn't want to give up my uterus and canceled it.

Then I found this website. I have the All Inclusive package, have fully read the book and have used the First Aid for Prolapse video as well as the first wheel yoga. Also I am working on WW posture, sitting practices, breathing through belly, learning techniques for urinating fully, etc.

My biggest complaint was bladder pressure making it difficult to walk, especially at a fast pace, without feeling like I'm going to lose it, and then rush to bathroom and sit only to not be able to urinate. The suggestions I have found in the book for urinating have helped, some days better than others. I'm just a little over a week into receiving book/DVDs.

I am looking for guidance as to which areas I should put my efforts at this point, considering the stage of my prolapse. Also guidance as to keeping it from protruding/dropping. Whether to moisturize, etc. when pushing it back in. I'm so confused right now and feel I have the tools right in front of me but overwhelmed with what to do first. I do not want surgery, now or ever, especially reading Christine's book. I want to keep my uterus! But I want to get my life back, my walks on the beach, on the boardwalk without having to get quickly to a bathroom. To run errands without having to worry about what bathroom I will be able to use. And mostly to enjoy my 3 beautiful grandchildren.

I have other medical issues in that as a result of an auto accident, I have tears in both my rotator cuffs, and bulged discs in my neck. So far with my use of the First Aid for Prolapse and the Yoga First Wheel, I find the overhead with the baton causing me more issues with shoulders, so I've tried to keep arms out shoulder height instead of overhead. I have physical therapy that I do every afternoon for my shoulders/neck and I am trying to incorporate the series of DVDs into my late mornings.

I thank Christine for her work in this field and bringing all this information to us. But I'm feeling overwhelmed as to how to prioritize what I do to make progress fast so I can get back to my long walks.

Thanks for listening!

Hi NanasFlowers3 and welcome,
It actually sounds like you are off to a great start. Just be patient and keep working on those posture principles. The exercises and whole woman walking are great ways to keep on track, and just simply being mindful all day is really all you need to do.
You have time to let all this sink in and for your body to come along also.
Best wishes to you.

Welcome Nanasflowers! I am relatively new here but have had great results and feel so much better since starting on the journey. You have made an investment in yourself and I am sure it's overwhelming and a little scary. We all have different experiences and situations but I believe this is a supportive place and Christine's program works.

I know you are worried about walking but that is what has helped me the most. Walking/hiking in the posture every day has improved my symptoms so much. Also the firebreathing makes a huge difference to. I am not that good at it yet but keep trying. When I had really bad days in the beginning I would just get down on my hands and knees for awhile throughout the day. That relievers a lot of pressure.
Be gentle with yourself and read through the forum for more information. Just start!

I believe that cancelling that op was the best thing u could have done for your health and future . The Whole Woman lifestyle is no risk ,natural and does work! I am 67 and have used the posture,exercises, lifestyle suggestions and support on this site for over three years now.The First Aid for prolapse cd is especially good for me and when I can walk ,exercise ,not sit too much and eat as I choose my prolapse symptoms almost disappear. I am very active and walk miles in the mountains ,some days r better than others but I am forever grateful to Christine and her team and all the pple on this site for their support . I am so glad I am a whole woman! :))

It makes my heart happy to know that you pulled back from surgery just in time. A better decision you could not have made! You may have days when you start to wonder and doubt yourself. But you needn't.

We don't pay much attention to "stages" here, because as you will discover, the organs are extremely mobile and always moving around in response to many factors as we go throughout our day. If the cystocele protrudes and the uterus is staying just inside, then I think you have a head start in getting all the organs to move forward into the lower belly.

I would concentrate first on just learning to relax the belly and keep the chest strongly lifted. A relaxed belly goes so much against the grain of how we are taught to stand and move, but returning to that type of posture is the key to all of this. It can take a long time to make this a habit and get to the point where you don't have to remind yourself all day. So be patient. I had my most notable progress in my second year.

Don't be overwhelmed. I started this work at age 60 in 2010. At that time there were not so many resources available, and I worked only from the book for months, then the DVD for a few more piece at a time. The bundles are a fabulous way to go, but I can well imagine you are feeling like "OK, where to start??"

The issues from your car accident are more than we can really address here. I think you are on the right track in cautiously incorporating WW concepts into your therapy routine. WW posture is natural, not contrived or "invented", so anything that moves you closer to the natural way you were meant to carry yourself, should only make your conditions better over time.

We talk a lot here about the use of raw local honey high up in the vagina to keep the tissues healthy post-menopause. I would recommend this as part of your routine, and I think it will help the tissues of the cystocele bulge feel better too. A little jiggling and firebreathing is more useful than pushing the cystocele bulge back inside. When I had this problem more, I found some relief in occasional use of a dab of diaper rash ointment, but haven't really needed to use anything like that for a long time.

Welcome to WW, enjoy the journey and keep us posted on your progress. - Surviving

Thank you for the encouraging words. It's good to hear from those that have "been there, done this" and share their experiences. It helps the ones just starting to stay focused and have patience. Even sitting here at the computer and focusing on the posture helps. And it helps with my shoulders because it naturally pulls them back, without rolling them back.

I'm using the First Aid for Prolapse video and the first wheel of the yoga dvds and making progress. Also been been doing the firebreathing on all 4s when the prolapse gets the best of me.

I've been using coconut oil which helps a little but I am going to try the raw local honey and see if that works better.

Thanks again for the support.

Thank you Aging gracefully for the encouragement. Patience is what I need! I've been hesitant on the walking but starting this week I'm getting out there and striving to get back on the beach and boardwalk outings!

Hi Finally50,

Appreciate the encouraging advice, especially as to walking. By my hesitating to do what I use to do I am probably making it worse by being tense about it. Getting down on my hands and knees is what helps me best too when it is a bad day. I have to control this prolapse and not let it control me! LOL


Hi everhopeful,

I do feel confident canceling surgery was the best decision I made, especially after reading Christine's book Saving the Whole Woman! Now I am advising all my nieces, sisters and especially my daughter, who just had her third child, to check out the WW website, to change their posture and hold on to their uterus!

I told my physical therapist about it and the yoga center I was going to. They are checking out the website and interested in the theories.

It is encouraging for me to hear of your success so far, and with walking. And the success of all the women on the Forum who are so supportive. I'm feeling stronger that "hey this is my body, i'm in control of it."

Wishing you continued success on your journey,