What exercise is most important for POP?


I can't seem to get to all the exercise videos, so I need to know what is best to do for my POP in the little time I have each day.

I realize the posture is most important and I remind myself all day long.

But for exercise that is best, is it the fire-breathing? If so, then are the best positions for doing it the sitting cross-legged one and the one on hands and knees?

Thanks for any guidance you can give me!

Hi blue indigo,
Really it is time and patience that gets us in the best place with our prolapses. Whatever you choose to do, wether it be the exercises daily, or just some of them, or firebreathing several times a day, or simply whole woman walking all help getting us in the direction we want to go. So, just do what you are able to and do it consistently; in time, you will start to feel a little bit different and then a lot.
For me, I came here with a severe prolapse and I didn't start feeling a difference for months, but then started feeling subtle changes, and as the lumbar curvature began to take shape more, the changes were even more noticeable.
So please do give yourself the time needed, and be gentle on your body and mind.

p.s. I found firebreathing easiest on hands and knees when I first started.

Thank you, aging gracefully, for the good advice. Your description sounds just like me. I have a severe prolapse (extends beyond the labia) at times. Luckily not ALL day, but every day by the end of the day. Fire-breathing on hands and knees is also what I feel is best for me in this beginning time. And I have very little lumbar curvature, even as a child. It is so interesting that the curvature can actually take shape after all these decades (I'm 67 years old). I have ordered the new posture belt and think that should help, too. Thank you, again, for your reply and encouragement!