Difference between Hemorrhoids and Rectum Prolapse (Rectocele?)


I think I have both, though not serious, but I cannot tell the difference.
When I am taking a shower and feel something sticking out of my rectum, is that rectum prolapse or hemorrhoid? I can push it back in but it will come back out later. It is annoying and the condition comes and goes. I have no clue what causes it come and/or go away. It does not hurt or itch. Been there for years.

It sounds like a hemorrhoid to me. - Surviving

I don't have a rectocele, but I do have internal hemorrhoids that protrude. Your description sounds exactly like an internal hemorrhoid. The blood vessel is swollen enough or close enough to the anus, that it comes out. The internal ones don't usually cause the itching, pain, or soreness as the external ones do (speaking as someone who has had both). I hope someone with a rectocele will answer and let you know if that's also common with them.

I have rectocele....Rectocele is a bulge in the back vaginal wall, not something protruding from the rectum.

I did have hemorrhoid issues during my pregnancies, and that's what this sounds like to me. If you're asking whether rectocele and hemorrhoids often go hand in hand, I would say not for me personally. Though I suppose if you do a lot of straining on the toilet, you would aggravate both conditions. - Surviving

Thank you very much for the information on your experiences on these issues!
I really appreciate it. I think I have booth and they are not serious. When it comes, I think the body is trying to send me a message telling me to be careful with what I ate, or what I did. If I eat the right stuff and do my exercise and all the good things, it will go away. I am very blessed with this website/forum that I can discuss my concerns and issues without leaving the house, or visit a doctor!!