Burning7iritation of anus area.

Hi again Tangogirl, please post a specific question about what you are experiencing and what you've tried. - Surviving

25/6/16: Sorry I have not contacted anyone re still this problem. I have a very sick husband in N.Home also.
I have tried over many years salt bathing, honey, Pentagen, ointment, vaseline etc. etc. I am still experiencing at my anal area, itching, burning(not all the time but a few times a week) I also deal with chronic back pain x many yrs. I am on a waiting list for surgery. My very special specialist for my rectocele/cystocele says it is not even bad enough(Grade 1) for surgery)Mnt. Sinai Hosp. Toronto). This all started in 2004 but I only noticed symptoms in 2010 can you imagine.? Strange as this all seems I can still ballroom dance once in a while on a good night.

Hi Tangogirl,

I suffered terribly with this over the menopausal transition. Red clover tea helped immensely. I think it sometimes has a hormonal component, which the phytoestrogens in the tea seemed to balance. It also may be fungal. I am now 64 and have become very prone to fungal skin conditions, for instance I have to be very careful with reusable rubber gloves because they grow fungus, which then infects my hands with itchy red bumps.

A bit of diluted vinegar - any way you could get it in there - would probably resolve it.


Hi Tangogirl I too suffer from this problem . Itching , burning especially after bowel movements . Never been able to be rid of it . Have had steroid creams , thrush creams but still it persists going on a few years now . What I've found does help is using a weak solution of diluted vinegar as Christine suggests then drying thoroughly and using a little talc to keep it dry . I find if I do this first thing in a morning I can usually go all day without having to repeat it at nighttime . This is of course unless I have a bowel movement and then I do it again . Hope this helps .

Sorry , that should say I can go all day until I repeat it at night time . Didn't realise what I had written .

Hello Pauline89 I was happy that I see someone else has the very same irritation as I do. Burning and itching anal area especially it seems after a bowel movement. I forget about this forum, I am sorry to say thats why I have not written before. I do have salt water bathing, honey, vaseline, Panetan baby cream. It is awful(since 2010) now. I am under specialist and now he wants me to see a "bowel" doctor specialist at Tor. W.Hosp. why? for a second opinion. I also have to handle IBS. My darling husband passed away July 5/16 while in a N.Home x 12 yrs. So now I have more time. I cannot understand what it is that is making my anal area and skin around burn. Why in gods name doesn't any doctor know?
I truly sympathize with you. I will try the weak vinegar solution. I do get better days though where I have no symptoms at all. Good luck

I forgot to ask anyone also, would Apple Cider Vinegar help with the burning/itching anal area if so what m measurements?

Christine has already answered you, up above. Give it a try. Just dilute it a little, I wouldn't worry about measurements. I would also suggest (again) that you review your own past posts on the forum, so as not to keep asking the same questions. We're always happy to help but we don't get the feeling that you are reading the responses. - Surviving

I cannot always figure out how to get to the correct page I have asked questions on. No other reason. Yes I do read all, believe me.

If you are signed on to the Forum, all you have to do is click on your user name (or click where it says "My Account") and then you will see a tab where you can "track" all the threads you have contributed to. - Surviving

I am fairly sure this is fungal. Loose clothes and regular changes of pads if used. These must be natural ones and not perfumed. A high sugar / carb diet makes this worse as the yeasts can become systemic and hard to shift. Follow an anti Candida diet and regime for a month and observe. I practise functional medicine and you have lots of wonderful practitioners there in US and Canada. Way more than here in Europe but things are changing fast thank God.

Even in America, I believe these practitioners are concentrated in urban areas and are far too scarce elsewhere. I too am glad to see this changing! - Surviving

17/1/18: Hello again. Well I must thank you Wren, for your information & advice, but I have found a lot of relief since I have used a Probiotic each day. This is probably helping my IBS. However, as far as the itching/burning I get very seldom now because I saw a recipe using A.Cider Vinegar with honey, a little lemon juice and a small slice off ginger. on Facebook from a friend in Australia. Take one tablesp. before breakfast & one at night. It definitely helps. and I have had the "bowel" test I mentioned above with yet another specialist but not got the result yet. That was Jan. 11/18. I will see my GP Jan. 23rd. I am feeling a lot better each day now.?

I have had the bowel test, as mentioned previously, but when I saw my GP Jan 23rd. he had not yet received the results. I also phoned the specialist office and they did not have,
to date? Now I am seeing a homeopathic person for all other issues also, and since yesterday she has given me a homeopathic remedy(one drop once week under the tongue) for this burning and itching anal area. I will see how that works. Other wise I still carry on and feel very well. Back pain also, still waiting for this surgery two yrs. now. Name of that "Spondylolesthsis" not as invasive surgery as others.