whole woman posture


The best description of my symptoms was like my heartbeat felt like it was in my vaginal and rectum area. I had my yearly visit with the GYN, and she diagnosed me with mild rectecele. I never heard of such a thing nor of prolapse. She said they have a specialist in the group if I wanted to meet with him if I wanted to explore options to correct it. But she also said many women have this and never know about it and that I can live with it. I did not act on anything. I came across your site and have been practicing the WW posture and some of breathing and exercises. I have felt like it has helped just by imagining my organs replacing themselves where they should be. But I have noticed that my rectum sometimes protrudes out of my anus when having a bowel movement and I had thought it was hemorrhoids. My mother said she pushes her hemorrhoids back inside herself. So I started doing that and realized that they were not hemorrhoids but my rectum (self diagnosis). I am taking 3/4 tsp of Magnesium Citrate, and it is keeping me regular as well as no leg cramping at night.

I read where people who have a complete rectum prolapse or who have a partial prolapse that doesn't improve with a change in diet will need surgery. Surgery involves attaching the rectum to the muscles of the pelvic floor or the lower end of the spine (sacrum). Or surgery might involve removing a section of the large intestine that is no longer supported by the surrounding tissue. Both procedures may be done in the same surgery. This is different than a rectecele, but similar. After reading through your site, its recommended not to have surgery.

My question is when in WW posture and during the exercises, do you squeeze up your organs when taking a breathe in? I guess it would be a Kegel? I would think you would do this in the posture. I am squeezing in my rectum area too while in WW posture.

thank you


Hi and welcome Farmer,

There is no squeezing at all. A natural tightening (flattening) of the anal sphincter occurs when the tailbone is lifted in WW posture, so I can see how you would want to accentuate that by intentionally squeezing more. However, in WW posture all the pelvic openings are closing like elevator doors, not like round drawstrings (kegel). To every degree that you intentionally tighten, the tailbone is drawn down and the flat, airless (elevator door) closure is attenuated.

Focus on the front, not the back! Breathe deeply into your midriff (above navel and below breasts) and let your abdominal wall expand forward. This creates space for your colon to move forward so your rectum can be pulled up and into its natural axis. Returning to the original geometry of your pelvic organ support system is the only reasonable response to rectal prolapse, as rectal suspension surgery is fraught with terrible risk of life-long rectal paralysis.

Wishing you well,


This is a fine point of WW posture, Farmer, but when your chest and tailbone are lifted you can really feel the tone in your pelvic wall. It’s natural to kind of feel into that tone - to feel how well supported the muscle wall is when the organs are weighted toward the front. But this “feeling into” is not the same as squeezing. Hope this helps!

I remember when I first joined this Forum five yrs. ago I remember seeing a video of certain exercises for Pelvic Problems, as I don't have a DVD device and inexperienced at the computer I would like to see it again, I have a rectocele & cystocele for many years now and I did ask here if it is too late for me to start these exercises, but I cannot seem to get to that page. I had a terrible time while out yesterday but survived. I do exercises every day for other parts and keigle. I am amazed how many woman have these problems.

Thank you. I'll keep working on the posture without the kegel!