rectocele and left lower quatrant pain


I'm so glad I found this site! I'm just learning how to navigate here, but briefly, I have had left lower quadrant to mid-abd. pain for about 2-3 months. I found out 2 weeks ago I have a large rectocele and have problems evacuating my bowels. My pain is still there, intermittently. Does anybody else have left lower quadrant pain with a rectocele? I'm wondering if it's because of my pooping difficulties.

Hi 2boysmom and welcome. I have rectocele and cystocele, and don't recall ever having pain that was particularly associated with these conditions. Others may have different experiences. Whole Woman posture and toileting practices will most likely alleviate your discomfort. If you are new to the site and haven't checked around too much, start here to see what we are all about. - Surviving