Pain during sex years after rectocele repair


Hi, I had rectocele surgery five years ago and still cannot have sex without horrible pain. I have tried estrogen tablet suppositories and all the lube in the world does not help. I'm going to switch my gynecologist to a woman who I think may be more understanding and just not fluff me off. Has anyone else had this problem? I know things are shaped differently now and I have heard that there is a surgery to try and fix the problem. Help!!

Hi Cat1962,
So sorry to hear of your troubles. We are not a pro surgery site, so you are probably not going to get much advice about that, but I would suggest a consult with Christine as she may have more insight into how you could proceed.
Wishing you the best.

Hi Cat - the one suggestion we can give you here, is to avoid any further surgeries - they will only worsen your situation. A consult with Christine would indeed be helpful, and you would want to gather all the info about exactly what procedure(s) you've had so far. - Surviving