First focus - prolapse or incontinence?


Hi, I discovered the Whole Woman site yesterday and am keen to get started to help myself. I am 51, 2 children born vaginally, still menstruating. I was told I had a prolapsed womb at a cervical smear exam several years ago. For a similar length of time I have avoided going on trampolines with my children, and occasional coughing viruses have resulted in me having to wear pads to catch about half the contents of my bladder, even if I thought I had just emptied it, the coughing would find some more urine. Most of the time I don’t wear a pad at all, but I go to the toilet a lot so the occasional sneeze is less likely to result in leaking.
Lately I have noticed that bending can give a feeling that ‘something’ is shifting towards the outside that should be tucked away, and occasionally just going for a brisk walk can result in leaking.
My question is this: I see there are ‘whole woman solution’ packages for prolapse, and for incontinence. Which of these would it be better to target first, as I’m not in a position to pay for both together? Would I be better to wait and go for one of the new packages that is shortly coming out?
In case it’s relevant, I have been attending a yoga class weekly for 5 years, and have not eaten bread for about 8 yrs. Wheat only comes into my diet if I am travelling and there are no other options. I don’t know yet what the specifics of the urinary diet advice are, to judge whether I am already on the way to that.
Thank you!

Hi Tinkerscastle and welcome,
The whole woman work is all about pulling our pelvic organs forward into the lower belly and out of the vaginal space, and we do that with the whole woman posture. The more we do that the less symptomatic we will feel.
As far as the programs go, read over them thoroughly before you decide. The solutions program covers everything you need to know about prolapse, The urinary incontinence video does include the blossom series which does cover the posture. The incontinence program also has these amazing pee on pee off exercises that will be very helpful.

Hi Aging gracefully, thank you for your response. I guess the incontinence set would be best for me on the whole. Would it be best to wait for the new ones now?

I have been having trouble posting replies today, I hope this one works!

Hi Tinkerscastle,
That is really up to you. Another option is the First Aid for Prolapse, Christine's original video which is still very much relevant to this work.

Thank you.