Postpartum bladder prolapse - will it improve?


Hi! I am having such bad anxiety over this new concern of a bladder prolapse. I joined this forum because I’d love some guidance and the posts have been very uplifting unlike many others. I am about 14 weeks postpartum to a beautiful baby boy. He is my second and they were both c sections. I was doing well but around 6-7 weeks started getting a dull vaginal pain a few times a day but didn’t think much of it. At 12 weeks my husband and I tried Intercourse and it was somewhat painful. I had swelling but figured it would go away. A week and a half later it still felt like something was there and I just knew it was prolapse. I went to the OBs office and she said “you had c sections why are you worrying about prolapse?”. My mom has uterine prolapse so i know it’s in my genes unfortunately.
She had me bear down and said yes bladder but also uterine. Sent me on my way saying I’ll need surgery eventually and looking at me like I’m crazy for being so upset. I’m currently looking into PT and acupuncture on my own.

I’m very upset because I know this is hard to manage and I can’t imagine if it gets to the point where the tissue extrudes. Right now the bladder prolapse is covering the opening and when I stand it’s starting to come out a little tiny bit. I’ve been crying for days. I just started back to work and I’m just overcome with anxiety, dealing with this at 34. I have a few questions:
1. Has anyone had their prolapse go away after having it postpartum? If I’m 14 weeks now I still have healing to do so is that something that could heal?
2. Why did my prolapse become symptomatic after sex? Now I constantly have a feeling like a tampon is not in correctly.
3. Should I totally avoid picking up my toddler?
4. Any and all advice is welcome

Thank you!

Hi 2sections and welcome,
It does take up to two years to heal postpartum, and with the whole woman work, you have a great chance of healing completely. Some women continue to be symptomatic, but also with this work, you can learn tricks and techniques to help on those more bulgy days.
Have a good look around this site; there is much to learn and information plenty for the postpartum experience.

Thank you for the advice. I’ve started doing the posture and I can’t believe I already notice a difference in feeling a bulge. I just hope I can remedy this and keep it from ever becoming totally proplapsed. It seems daunting to manage this my entire life but I am going to give it my best. I will look around and see what is available for exercise recommendations too.

Hi 2sections,
I'm very new to this too but also seeing real improvement in a fairly short space of time. Stick with it!! I went sledging/sledding with my son today and was running up the slope and flying down with no worries about my undercarriage. After having my 10-pound fifth baby nearly 8 years ago, I remember going back to work and just trying to keep my bladder as empty as possible all the time, otherwise I would be leaking and feeling the burning sensation of needing to pee almost all the time.

This Whole Woman posture is amazing. I'm fire breathing for ten minutes twice a day and pulling up into the posture as much as I remember, while sitting and standing and everything else. Sex was a problem area for me too, with the prolapse feeling worse after. I think that during orgasm everything was pushing outwards, as my body was just used to doing things the wrong way, so that exacerbated the problem. I'm not currently in a relationship, but I'm hoping that sex will be better now too. Just taking each day as it comes and constantly being amazed at the improvements so far!! Great to hear about your progress!

Hi, 32 weeks pregnant with second child. Bladder prolapsed 7 months post partum from baby number one and I became pregnant a month later, so not a lot of time to heal. I try to pick up my daughter as little as possible, obviously this is difficult, but I try to stick to feelings, meal times and diaper changes. I also brought a single bed mattress into our living room, so that I can lay down and easily breastfeed her on demand as I used to; it is somewhat depressing, but with my prolapse and weight of new baby, breastfeeding sitting was getting to be pretty horrible. Early in my pregnancy my prolapse disapated. It returned around month six, due to constipation and over straining, so if you can avoid constipation, that will surely help! I've been having lots of contractions this week and feel enormous pressure in my pelvic area, probably due to baby shifting and getting ready for delivery. Try to "rest," as much as possible.