Introduction & Rectocele / Constipation



I have a really frustrating bowel problem, and I was hoping that somebody could give me some advice.

About nine months ago, I did a really stupid thing (missed the bottom step whilst running down the stairs) and hurt my back. It was so painful I had to be prescribed strong painkillers for a month with a really annoying side effect.

After I started taking them I didn't need a bowel movement for five days - and when the urge finally did arrive I couldn't go. I'd occasionally had constipation in the past, but this was much worse. That then led to me spending enormous amounts of time on the toilet, straining to get relief (typically it was five days to get the "urge", and a further two days before I could pass it).

When I stopped taking the tablets I expected things to return to normal - but they didn't. I still had to strain to go and I started getting this uncomfortable feeling in my vagina and perineum whenever I sat on the toilet, which felt like it was hindering my efforts to go.

I've now been diagnosed with a small rectocele - but it makes it extremely difficult to have any kind of successful bowel movement (I now use a Squatty Potty, but if anything it makes the problem worse)

I've been needing to go all day and can't so if anyone has any suggestions to make it easier for me to get some relief today I would be extremely grateful!

hi and welcome
I wrote to you, and the internet went down so lost the post.
Briefly if you get Christine's toileting, posture information and tweak your diet which is individual for everyone, that will get you on a better track to be able to manage your rectocele.
I have used lubricant occasionally in the last 5yrs of WW but no longer need it due to a starch based diet (and given suppositories once when pregnant.) I hardly notice my rectocele now.
Maybe a medical practitioner can help you today, hasn't yours addressed this issue as it has being going on for so long?
I can't help with a solution except to be careful with diet and learn the posture.. I have not experienced med induced issues myself.

I hope you get relief and your back improves,

All the best,
Aussie Soul Sister

I had this happen once to me after surgery with opiates (constipstion x 5 days) - opiates are super constipating. You can try a fleet enema today if it’s really bad. Don’t let it get to 5 days, try to take magnesium citrate tablet at night until you can get your bowels in a routine, tweak your diet, get exercise, and try not to strain if you can. Sorry this happened to you! Happened to me after pregnancy I thought it would go back to normal, etc same idea

Just wish I could go to the toilet "normally" again.

I can start to go - but then it retreats back up into my bottom again. Argh! :(

Hi Trouble Downstairs,
I came to whole woman with not only prolapse, but also years of constipation behind me. I also had a retroverted uterus that was leaning on the back wall of my vagina making it especially difficult to get a full evacuation. That sucking back up feeling was also part of my sad bowel story.
But, Once coming here I learned the many tools to help me with this problem: the toileting posture that Christine talks about, jiggling and fire breathing before and after going to the bathroom, and really cleaning up my diet which includes getting the processed junk out.
It didn't happen all at once, it took time and much diligence to start having the best bowel movements of my life, and I am ever so grateful for this site and Christine's work to point me in the right direction.

Thanks Aging gracefully,

I'll look into Christine's work on this - really hope it can help me with a solution.

Sometimes I have spent an hour (or more) sat on the toilet - I keep thinking it's going to happen, but I keep getting the dreaded "retreat".

I've tried the "squatty potty" and it didn't help unfortunately.

Hi Trouble Downstairs,
Christine actually talks about the squatty potty here:

Also, initially you are not going to want to stay constipated for a long time either, so while you are working on diet and good toileting practices, you may want to try out the magnesium citrate that has been suggested. Be careful with it though, because for some women it can be a little too helpful.

Hi TD - I agree with the others. A small rectocele would not explain this kind of trouble moving your bowels. Christine teaches posture, good toileting position and other tools to get the organs out of your way when toileting, and even a bit of splinting might help. But I agree this is really dietary and there is where the solution lies. A month on strong pain meds really does mess with your gut bugs and you need to get things back to normal. Lots of leafy greens, healthy omega3 fats, exercise, hydration, and some good fermented foods every day, should restore good bowel function. And mag citrate as already suggested. I am NOT suggesting OTC stool softeners, though I am surprised your doc did not suggest this in conjunction with the meds (that's what happened with my daughter when she had her tonsils out in college....just an illustration of how well-known this problem should be within the medical community....and of course they just throw more drugs at the problem!). - Surviving

Hi there,
I'm new and I have a question that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I have had constipation issues for about five months now....I still go every day but some of it is very small, rabbit poo like balls and I never feel like I'm finished after I go. I have changed my diet radically, drinking 6 glasses of water and using "Calm" magnesium powder in the evenings in warm water before I go to bed. I have had excruciating tailbone pain for the past two months along with Sciatica. I have a Level 3 Prolapse of my bladder being pushed into my vagina by my uterus. My question is this: how would I know if I also have a rectocele, or is my prolapse uterus/bladder causing my bowel problems?? I am in so much pain and I hope this can be resolved soon but I am very upset by having so many issues all at once and not knowing what is causing what. I'd really appreciate any help you can give me!

Hi Namaste,
I came here with the same issues, but with positive dietary changes as in taking out the junk and adding in lots of fruit and veg as well as fermented food along with thw whole woman work helped me tremendously.
One misconception is drinking a lot of water and eating a lot of fiber is helpful when it actually just bulks up your stool making it even harder on your bowels. Keep it simple by adding in foods that help the stool to move along by adding them in and then waiting to see how it feels. We are all our own personal experiment. What works for some may not for others.
Read around the site a bit, lots of different and sometimes passionate ideas here! Christine also has a video on the relationship of gut bacteria and our health that also covers the foods we eat. It is well worth checking out.

I recently asked about how to thoroughly clean Jade & Pearl Sea Sponges for Prolapse, after reading a website warning that sea sponges are full of sand, grit, & germs, since I now remember, many years ago, purchasing Jade & Pearl Sea Sponge Tampons. I remember they did not arrive in the mail full of sand, grit, or germs.

They were very clean when they arrived, and were easy to clean, thereafter. So, I'm to go ahead and order some J & P Sea Sponges for POP ASAP.

My Stage 4 POP has descended about another inch below my vulvae, need the Sea Sponge support ASAP.

I'm so glad I found this site! This is all new to me, but briefly, I have had what I would consider left lower quadrant to mid-abd. pain for about 2-3 mos. I finally I realized I have a large rectocele. It's affecting how I poop but splinting helps somewhat. I'm still having left lower quadrant pain and pain by my bladder and wondering if it's related to the rectocele. I'm having so many problems completely emptying my bowels I think that is part of it but I don't know! Anybody else have this?

Hi Kalanit,
I came here with a severely prolapsed uterus, and this work has helped me tremendously. What helps all prolapse is whole woman posture. There are also tricks and techniques that we have learned here that help along the way.
Can you tell us a little bout yourself and what your experiences with prolapse have been?

I have rectocele and cant empty my bowels
So i understand you have not rectocele?
Is there another things that helped you to the bm? And for the prolapse?

How long it took you to feel better?
How is your prolapse now?
Thank you

Did you video of exercises to?
If yes i would like to know
Thank you

Hi Kalanit,
I started many years ago when there was just a book and a DVD. These are no longer available in the store, but Christine's new program covers the same details. The posture is the most important aspect of this work, and once you learn that, you will be well on your way to feeling better. I did all the exercises I could find, and those are still available in the bundle I listed for you. Whole woman walking is also a very important, and proper toileting posture. All the things we do here are meant to strengthen our bodies into posture and pull our pelvic organs into the lower belly, and out of the vaginal space.
Studying the work is the only way to figure this out; that's what I had to do. I just kept going over my materials over and over again, until it started to make sense.